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Okay, maybe, just maybe, Yeonjun underestimated how hard it was to find one specific room. Yeonjun had no idea how he was under the assumption that finding the crown prince's room would be easy. Maybe he expected some miracle to happen, like coincidentally seeing the prince walk back to his room with his glass of water, and then Yeonjun would wait until the prince was asleep, and then boom, he'd get to work, finish the job and leave like nothing ever happened.

Yeonjun seemed to have forgotten the small detail in his copium plan, which was the element of 'coincidentally'. So, now, not only was the said man utterly lost in an immense palace, but he also had no concrete way of finding the prince's room.

Oh, and he didn't know what the prince looked like. 

Yeonjun was irritated beyond reason. First, what was the reason for even hiding the prince's face? So much suspense for what? It just made things harder for Yeonjun. Did the present king ever pause to so as much thinking about what these rules and regulations mean and whether it has any purpose? Clearly, no. If he had even bothered, maybe things would be much easier for the entire nation. 

Yeonjun shook his head. Now was not the time to stop and leisurely think and criticize this kingdom. Yeonjun was sure he'd get plenty of time later to do that. Currently, Yeonjun hangs on a fine line between either being successful in his mission or going to jail. Oh, how everyone would kill to be him right now. Hah. 

Yeonjun was interrupted when he saw an attendant walking around with another attendant beside him. Yeonjun quickly hid behind a fancy vase that was big enough to hide him. Thank god the palace had so much useless decor.

 "I'm dead beat." said attendant number one, who yeonjun decided to name James. 

"I swear." said attendant number two, who yeonjun decided to name Charles. 

"We don't even have that many chores to do but navigating your way through this palace is enough to burn all that fancy lunch we get to eat," James said, sighing. 

"Haah, I wish I was born as royalty. Look at the place they get to live in, the food they get to eat and the looks they're born with."

"For real. Oh you've seen the crown prince?" said Charles. 

James nodded. "Yeah, today actually. For the first time. I had to give him his coronation outfit. I had a peek at that as well. And that was actually so well done. It had an expensive sapphire as well embedded into it."

Yeonjun flinched slightly, tempted to tell them that the sapphire may or may not be fake. But he wanted to listen to more and if he spoke out, there was a chance that some chaos would break out. 

"Meh, who cares about the outfit," said Charles. Yeonjun narrowed his eyes. This man was going into his death note. Did he have any idea how much effort Yeonjun put into that outfit? "What did the prince look like?"

"Oh, the prince? He was so...royal. And so pretty that even I blushed when I first met him. The alpha pheromones coming from him were so strong that even a beta like me had to falter. Man, he was actually so hot. I can imagine all people in the kingdom fawning over him once his face is revealed."

James dropped into a whisper. Yeonjun strained his ears even further to listen to them. "I'd say the crown prince is so much more good-looking than the king."

Charles gasped and lightly slapped James's arm. "Are you stupid? What if someone heard that?"

James merely shrugged. "You really think there would be someone eavesdropping on our conversation in the middle of the night? Such a wuss."

"Well anyways, if he's as pretty as you say he is, don't you think Kang Taehyun is so lucky? I mean, for that promiscuous Taehyun who'll pretty much sleep with anyone, being able to marry the prince and sleep around with everyone is quite a plus don't you think?"

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