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Yeonjun has worked multiple times as a teacher. Not for teaching any core subjects since he wasn't well educated himself but for secondary gender classes. Since the king has weird rules wanting alphas to teach the class. 

In those classes one of the first instructions Yeonjun was asked to tell his kids was pheromone control. Well Yeonjun thought it was quite a useless thing to teach, because most of the kids turned out as beta, a handful of them alphas and zero omegas. 

But Yeonjun was theoretically aware of omega's pheromones could be controlled. There inhibitors, suppressants and such. But the best and most effective way to control them was to release the omega's mate's pheromones.  Inhaling the mate's pheromones instantly calms down the omega. 

The second Yeonjun opened the door, he was hit with the strong, overpowering scent of Soobin's strawberry pheromone. Instinctively, Yeonjun covered his nose with his arm though he doubted it would be of much help. 

Yeonjun looked at the guards who were walking in the direction of Soobin's room, presumably to check on him. 

They may be betas but anyone can figure out that Soobin was an omega if they were in that state. And if they found that...well the royal secret wouldn't be a secret anymore. 

Yeonjun ran towards them and stood in front of them. The pheromones were growing stronger and stronger indicating that Soobin was becoming increasingly fearful by the passing second. Yeonjun glanced at Soobin's door. The alpha instincts in Yeonjun were screaming, and yelling at him to go in the room. Run into the room and not let any bastard enter the room. 

Luckily Yeonjun's rationality won and he knew he had to deal with the guards first. Or else this situation could spiral out of control. 

"Hey, do you know where i could get some, deodorant?" asked Yeonjun, blocking the guard's path. 

"You're blocking our way, who are you?" asked the guard. 

Should Yeonjun knock him out? No, that wasn't a good idea. It was just cause a commotion and plus there were two of them. 

"Uh I'm...I'm...a...guest! That's right, I'm a guest. From Arteriaus."

The guard frowned. "Arteriaus? But the guests weren't to arrive until next month."

"Ah, I'm the...the prince's most trusted guard! He sent me here to check how things were before he set foot in Dominia and the his royal majesty was kind enough to let me live in the royal palace."

"But what are you doing near the crown prince's room?"

The strong strawberry scent grew even more strong. Yeonjun couldn't afford to wait any longer. These questions were driving me nuts. 

Yeonjun released a few of his pheromones. "I'm a guest, not a prisoner and hence I see no need for me to be questioned. Are you sure you want to anger a royal guest? Bring me what I asked for."

Yeonjun glared at them and the both of them bowed down and ran away from Yeonjun. Although Yeonjun hated using his alpha status to dominate others, in situations like this he wasn't really given a choice, right?

Yeonjun instantly ran over to Soobin's room. 

"Your Highness, I'm coming in," said Yeonjun, opening the door. 

Yeonjun walked into a cloud of pheromones. On the ground was Soobin, crouched over his stomach. He looked up at Yeonjun, teary. 

"H-help me, this hurts. this hurts so bad, what is wrong with me?"

It took Yeonjun every single fiber in his body to keep control. He refused to attack Soobin again. He was a decent human being and refused to be a sexual assaulter. 

"Pl-please" said Soobin, groaning. "It's so scary, I don't know what to do."

"Uh, try controlling your pheromones?" said Yeonjun. 

"I'm trying, but they're not the same as alpha pheromones, I can't control. It hurts, it hurts so much. Please end this."

Yeonjun looked around the room. Was there anything he could do?

"Aaaah, what have I done to deserve this? I don't want to do this anymore. Please just save me. Please. My everything hurts. Hurts so bad. I feel so suffocated."

Yeonjun ran his hand through his hair. He had so choice. 

"Please don't hate me for this," said Yeonjun, as he wrapped his arms around Soobin. 

Yeonjun could feel his heart beating fast, probably because of Soobin's strawberry scent. An alpha should never be let into this close proximity of an unmated omega but here they were. Yeonjun braced himself for a hit or kick from Soobin. 

But much to his surprise, Soobin wrapped his arms around Yeonjun and snuggled into his chest, sobbing loudly. 

"I can't do this anymore."

They weren't mated partners but maybe it was worth a shot. Maybe. 

Yeonjun slightly released his pheromones. Soobin hugged him even tighter. "Do whatever you're doing, it feels good."

Blood immediately rushed to Yeonjun's face. It took him so much self-control to make sure his little junior didn't get any weird ideas with an omega in front of him. 

Slowly and slowly, Yeonjun released more and more of his pheromones and within 15 minutes, Soobin was sound asleep on his chest. 

Yeonjun lifted Soobin and gently placed him on the bed in front of him. Yeonjun sat on the edge of the bed and let out a loud sigh. 

He looked down at his crouch. Good job, Yeonjun junior. 


Beomgyu was in his study, looking through some materials that needed double-checking. It was one of the duties the king had assigned to him and he was bound by law to be thorough in his job and one of Beomgyu's biggest jobs was to make arrangements for guests. Like how currently he had his plate full with preparing for Kang Taehyun's arrival. But on top of that, there was this entire situation of Soobin becoming an omega and the arrival of a new alpha called Yeonjun. 

Beomgyu rubbed his temple. Why didn't the king just execute Yeonjun? Clearly, he was the cause of all this. 

A knock was heard on his door. 

"Come in," said Beomgyu. 

"Sir, I have come to inform you of a request by a guest."

Beomgyu frowned. Guest? There was no guest currently residing in the palace. He looked at the guard, curious. Had someone broken in again?

"What is it?"

"The man claims to be Kang Taehyun's trusted guard and requested for deodorant. I believe he is an alpha."

Suspicion arose in Beomgyu. "What did he look like?"

"He was tall, handsome..."


"Oh, he was on the crown prince's floor."

Beomgyu immediately got up from his chair. No doubt, it was Yeonjun. But why would he ask for deodorant?

"Was there anything unusual about him?"

"Uh...the fact that he asked for deodorant? The area around him smelt like strawberry so I didn't see the need for deodorant."

Beomgyu immediately walked out of his office. "I will deal with this guest personally myself."

The guard blinked as Beomgyu disappeared in an instant. "Is the guard from Arteriaus that important?"


That's it for today's update, pretty short but i didn't want to add more 

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