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"Huffff" Yeonjun wheezed, letting out a deep breath slowly. If the Royal Stylist wasn't glaring daggers at him, Yeonjun would've let out a couple of curses along with it. 

Jennie rolled her eyes. "You are the Crown Prince of Dominia, please behave like it."

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know the Crown Prince didn't have the right to breathe." replied Yeonjun, his patience snapping. 

He was just going to great another person. What was the reason to put him into clothes that have barely any room to breathe? It was so tight that Yeonjun felt like if he just quickly let out his breath, all the buttons in this outfit would go flying out. 

Now that would be funny. Should he try it?

Yeonjun thought against the idea. He may be the Crown Prince right now but at the end of the day he was still an outsider and at the mercy of the Royal Family. There's no saying what would happen to him if he defied their orders. 

The Royal Stylist, Jennie, was one of the few people who knew of the "new" Crown Prince. Having seen Soobin since a small age, there was no use hiding this new change. Her family had been serving the royal family for years. There no doubt in her loyalty. 

Jennie grabbed Yeonjun's arm and placed him on a chair, forcing him to sit. Yeonjun quickly sucked in stomach, he was not risking these expensive buttons. She looked at his ear.

"Oh? You have piercings? That might be a problem."

Yeonjun was tempted to roll his eyes again. What was not a problem?

Yeonjun was expecting her to tell him to not wear earrings until they were closed but much to her surprise, she asked something else. 

"When did you get this?"  she asked. 

Yeonjun shrugged. "I've had this as long I remember."

"Since a kid?"

Yeonjun nodded. 

"Interesting...Yeonjun, do you know which kingdom you're from?"

Yeonjun frowned. What kind of a question was that? "What do you mean? I am from Dominia."

"Oh, well, I just asked. There's a distant kingdom called Rehmat. I doubt you would've heard of it." said Jennie, as she grabbed a comb and started running it through Yeonjun's hair. "The people over there are known to be extremely wealthy. Hence, it's called the Land of Blessing."

Yeonjun merely nodded, not sure where Jennie was going with all this. 

"You can almost immediately recognize a person from Rehmat. They have dashing black hair and beautiful brown skin and the kingdom is the only one that run by a queen. Queen Isra. Some people also refer to her as a goddess. Anyways, that's beside the point. What I wanted to say was, in Dominia, piercings are a very, very rare thing. It's more or less a thing done by females. Male piercings are extremely rare. However, in Rehmat, it's a tradition that on birth, almost all babies are given a piercing. Whether male or female."

"Are you saying...?"

"No, you couldn't possibly be from there. But who knows, maybe you have some connection there. After all, these piercings are quite unique. You are definetly Dominian or Arterian or even Riyouan. Any one of them."

Yeonjun merely nodded, unsure of what to say. He had never even heard of the nation before. It must be pretty far, considering he hadn't even heard the locals talk about it. And it was probably a country where Dominia didn't conduct trade.

Yeonjun was just ask more about it when Jennie spun him on the chair, causing him to face the mirror. 

"Now, that looks like a Crown Prince." said Jennie, slightly smiling.

Yeonjun stared at himself in the mirror. He almost couldn't recognize himself. His hair was put up, his face was given a clean shave and his outfit screamed royal. Yeonjun felt uncomfortable. 

Because he looked like a crown prince and not like Yeonjun. 


Beomgyu stood outside Soobin's room. He had gotten two notices from the king. One, that the Prince of Arteriaus along with his entourage were due to arrive in another two hours or even less. Two...

He knocked on the door. He had already been informed that the King had visited Yeonjun when he was with Soobin and Beomgyu knew that King probably ignored Soobin outright. He knew Soobin was probably extremely upset right now. 

"Beomgyu?" called Soobin from inside. 


"Come in." 

And Beomgyu opened the door. He was immediately hit by the mild scent of omega pheromones which surprised him. This room had always been Soobin's room but yet, at this moment, it seemed so unfamiliar to Beomgyu. Filled with an unfamiliar scent. 

"Hey, how are you?" asked Beomgyu, sitting on Soobin's bed while Soobin stood staring at the entrance of the Palace. 

"Cut to the point, Beomgyu. I'm sure you don't have that much time to waste."

Beomgyu felt a stab through his heart but Soobin was right. The Prince was arriving in some hours and as head of security, Beomgyu had to make sure everything was safe and sound. If anything went wrong, it could have a devastating impact on their kingdom. 

Beomgyu let out a sigh. He had to spit it out. "Soobin, I have an order...from the King. He wants you...to move from the royal floor. He doesn't want you to have any interaction with Taehyun at all. He says...he shouldn't be able to even catch your shadow."

Soobin continued staring outside the window. "Where do they want me to move?"

"The guards quarter."

Soobin laughed dryly. "The guards quarter? Alright. No problem."

Beomgyu got up and walked towards Soobin. He was about to place his hand on Soobin's shoulder when Soobin immediately swatted him hand away. "Don't touch me. It's not like you had the courage to say anything either."

Soobin took deep breaths, trying to control his pheromones. He was upset, he was angry. And yet simply because he was an omega, he had to control them. 



"I SAID LEAVE!" yelled Soobin. 

Beomgyu immediately covered his nose and left as Soobin shut the door in his face. He looked at the closed door, his heart aching. 

He also wished he wasn't such a big coward. 


Another update ?! Also Rehmat means blessing in urdu (yes i had to google it)

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Pixiedust ^^

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