Meeting with Olivia.

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This may include;

- Take place in The Promise Neverland.

-Olivia is my creation.

- The first chapter.

This moments take place when the hide and seek. (when Norman was the seeker)

Norman start counting and everyone quickly hide themselves.

Olivia's Pov

Emma invited me to play hide and seek with them.

So now I was walking around in the forest as I felt the nature.

I saw Emma and secretly followed her out of curiosity and smile at the sight of Emma climbing up on a tree.

I look over to the trees where is nearby to Emma's hiding spot.

I started climbing up one the trees and sat on one of branches with a good view.

I make myself comfortable as I opened up a small notebook that contains all information of the nature.
( Animals and plants are included) I was reading about Owls facts.

I began to read the notebook for several minutes as Norman start to looking for us.

3rd pov

Everything were going smoothly. Norman found everyone except Emma and Olivia.

Norman pretended to fall off and unfortunately Emma was tricked by Norman. She lose in the game.

" Times Up " Norman said as he checked his stopwatch/watch.

"But Olivia are not found yet".
Emma said with concern in her eyes. She know that Olivia is a quite and introverted type of a person.

"I think I know where she is" Norman exclaimed as he glanced at one of the trees.

"Listen at the sound" Norman hint Emma to locate Olivia whereabouts.

Emma started to calmed down as she concerting to the sounds around them.

All she could hear is leaves rustling, birds and...

"... A sound of flipping pages?"
Emma said the last one out loud as she realized something.

Norman nods as he goes to the certain tree and climb it but failed.

Emma chuckle a bit as she offered her help to climb it instead. Norman nods in agreement.

As Emma climbing the trees, she noticed the familiar figure was reading a notebook. She approached and greeted by Olivia.

" Ohayo, Emma " Olivia calmly greet Emma and closed her notebook as someone finally find her.

The end.

Question: Do you feel a little suspicious to Olivia?

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