not really a Sancest

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I always saw many fan fiction about Sans x Sans thing and always ignore it because... Yeah.

But guess what? I just read Classic  x Au Sans book without realizing.
Complete chaos,  I know.

I wonder if... I make one?

It would be a pretty stupid story.
Classic just having a nice walk at the busy market. 

No one stuck up with him which he felt kinda nice.

He really want to have time for himself after a while.  Selfish or no?

He stumbled upon a kid.

"Sorry mister." the kid apologize to him shortly and continues to run.

"Hurry up May,  we gonna be late for the storytelling! " the kid suddenly shout it out loud.

"story telling? " Sans pondering a bit. 

Maybe it would be fun hearing a story after a while.
(just admit that you're bored - author)

He follow the kids to find out about the story.

Unknown for him, he just unintentionally add his harem member,  idiot.

He followed the kids to find a library. What does he expect more than this?
(An open public place. )

He entered the library and saw a conversation.

"mister librarian, did the storytelling started already? "

A kid that I guess called May asked the librarian at the counter with hope.

The librarian closed his book and turned his attention to May.

" Nope. Luckily, the storytelling gonna start soon. How about you go sit over there with the others? "
(I'm bad at this)

The librarian said softly with a permanent smile as he point out a finger towards the kids reading area.

"Hooray! Mister librarian, do you know which story he will tell us? " a kid beside May asked the librarian.

"Hmm... The red riding hood."
Librarian answered shortly while putting a finger on his cheekbone.

"Yes, Let's  go Luke! " May grab Luke hand and run towards the storytelling that's gonna start soon.

Luke blushed a bit and waved goodbye towards the librarian.

The librarian waved  back to Luke and sighed.

"kids these days... "

The librarian turn his skull to an uknown yet familiar skeleton who stand beside of the door.

Lol Classic is ignored.

"I'm sorry about earlier and welcome to the Heartcore Library. "

The librarian apologize to Classic.

" it's alright..."

Classic were in a daze.

He never thought to see another him working as a librarian.

He sure met many sanses and they actually become quite close with him.

So, he could only hope that this sans in front of him won't fall in love for him.

" ...Is there anything else that I could help with? "

The librarian suddenly asked him.

" yes, do you know where I could find a quiet place to read? "

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