Letter to you.

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No One's Pov:

Wednesday had been panicking. Pacing back and forth in the dorm. She had been feeling some unwanted emotions and she was struggling to handle them. She couldn't let anyone know of course, they can't know what she's feeling. Enid was in the quad, with the rest of her friends, she invited Wednesday to come along but Wednesday refused her invitation.

This feeling isn't something Wednesday would usually feel. It was unfamiliar. She noticed that it only got worse when her werewolf roommate was around, her face would warm up, she'd feel like she couldn't speak to her, her threats towards Enid made her feel guilty now. Even when they weren't in the same room, Wednesday would think about her, she'd try and think about something else. Something like decapitating her brother Pugsley or ripping out Tyler's oesophagus, but her mind would always go back to thinking about Enid. Her loud, irritating music, her bright clothes, her soft smile and her caring nature.

It was all disgusting but Wednesday grew to like it all. She knew she needed to tell Enid but she couldn't say it to her face. Wednesday had to let Enid know through some other way.

Then it came to her, she would write a letter to her. With her typewriter. She'd say everything she feels towards and about Enid, put it into an envelope and set it somewhere for Enid to find without hassle. This was the perfect way to do this.

Wednesday sat down in front of her typewriter. She knew she had to do this or else these feelings would just eat away at her, the words she needed to say would come out in a way she didnt want them to. It had to be done. So she began, she typed carefully to make sure she made no mistakes. She couldnt afford it, time was a precious thing and she wanted this done before Enid was back.

Thing had watched her, he could tell how stressed Wednesday was. After all, he's the one who knows her best, other than herself of course. He has witnessed the change in behaviour when Enid was around her. He thought of it as sweet, he wanted the best for Wednesday, especially when it came to love. Her first kiss was with a grotesque monster. Although Wednesday would sometimes treat Thing badly, he would do anything for her. He wouldn't hesitate to kill someone for her. He knew she cared about Enid, and he knew that Enid cared for her back. Enid was in love with Wednesday. Every time Wednesday was out at the cemetery, visiting the antique shop or just solving mysteries, Enid would ramble on to Thing about her. How her soulless eyes were somehow captivating, how her resting lips were tempting her, the feeling of one of her rare hugs that she gives. Enid could admit to herself that she was in love with Wednesday but Wednesday herself could not.

"Done." Wednesday sighed with relief. She read over it to make sure she didn't make any mistakes, even though she was extremely careful when typing. She slightly smiled to herself. "It's perfect."

Thing gave a thumbs up to Wednesday and signed to her that everything would go okay. Wednesday found some comfort in his gestures, he may be a hand but he's her best friend and he knows how to calm her down.

Wednesday stood up from her desk, she walked over to her bed and under it was a case, she reached under and pulled it out from underneath the bed. In it contained some gifts from family members, knives that Wednesday had forgot about and envelopes. Her father had gave them to her in case the crystal balls magic somehow stopped working and she needed to contact them, but she doesn't contact them with the crystal ball anyways, she sees it as a punishment for her parents for sending her to this retched school.

As she took one of the charcoal colored envelopes, she slipped the letter inside, she licked the white side of the cone shape to allow it to stick to the base and keep the letter sealed. She took a white marker from Enid's pencil jar on her bedside table and wrote 'Enid' on the front of the envelope. All she had to do now was wait on her own side of the room for Enid to come back.

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