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"God sends people into our lives to heal the wounds of the past and revive hope in our hearts"



 After a few days of walking through the desert, Ella and Jason become closer and closer;  the conflicts they had with each other gradually disappeared, making room for a friendship, which although they tried to deny it, grew more and more.

 At dusk on one of these days, they found shelter under a large boulder on a hill.  Ella sat drinking some water, while Jason lay down on his back on a large boulder to cool off on its surface.

 "Hey, can't your magic book tell you how far it is to get to... I don't know where?"  Jason asks, not for the first time.

 “That's not how it works and you know it." Ella replies, huffing.

 “Okay, okay, it just tells you what you should know." - he says the words imitating Ella's voice, who makes a face at him.  "But it doesn't hurt to ask."

 “I asked ten minutes ago, and it said to head up the hill, and we're already here."

 “It never stops telling us to keep going.  I can not take it anymore." Jason complains, and honestly, he was tired of being ordered around by a little girl and a book.

 “Jason, you promised!" She also complains.

 The three daemons watched the exchange lazily, as it was becoming commonplace.

"But we're not getting anywhere!"  Ella shuts up looking at Jason angrily.

"I'm not going to argue with you, so settle down and keep quiet."

 Jason puts his hands to his head mumbling under his breath about taking orders from an annoyingly bossy little girl.  Ella ignores him getting up.

 "Where are you going? " the boy asks.

 "Gather wood for the fire." Ella replies sharply.

 Jason turns away, huffing.  Ella follows with Makario and Katára beside her like foxes.

 "He's right, you know?  We should have gotten somewhere by now. " Katara comments.

 "Seriously!  Ever since you and Jason got along, Katára, you've always sided with him!"  Ella protests.

 "On his side?! I..."

 "Why is it so hard to understand that I'm doing my best?  If the book tells me we're not there yet, it's not my fault!"

 "We're not saying it's your fault, we're just tired of following this thing!"  What if you're deceiving us?

 "I would have done it a long time ago, don't you think?"  This book is our only hope, I will not be deceived against it.

 Ella stomps her feet in a rage, leaving the two of them looking at each other.  Ella doesn't speak to anyone else all night, and when they lay down to get some sleep that night, the girl takes the book without the others seeing.  She looks at him wondering if she was doing the right thing, she felt angry with herself for doubting him, but logic clashed with her thoughts.  It's a magical book, what do you expect?  She shouldn't question things that obviously don't make sense.  It was crazy to do that.  But he never failed her, he helped her from the moment she found him.

Remembering how he found the book, his head grew more dizzy.  She had found the book next to an invisible body!  There was no point in such a thing... What did all this really mean?

 The more Ella thought about it, the more confused she became.  She then puts the book aside and lies down, doing her best not to think about anything else, to at least have a peaceful night's sleep.  But what came was anything but a peaceful night.

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