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"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you were healed"



With everyone busy with preparations, it wasn't hard for Ella to weave her way through the crowd, pulling away from the others.

Most of them at least, because Ella doesn't notice that Lyra sees her slinking away, she senses that something isn't right and just as cautiously follows her.

Katára sits across from her with a sad look on her face, an exact reflection of Ella's face that also shared her pain.

"We can't always run. Even if they don't understand." Katara speaks.

"We need to go. It's the right thing." the girl agrees, but clearly with uncertainty.

"You feel that what we have to do is close."

Ella nods her head.

"That hurts. And it's getting worse and worse."

Katára looks away, not bearing to look at her.

"It is necessary."

Silent tears streamed down Ella's face. She felt it was wrong, that she no longer had the permission, but she had to, had to feel it. Then, surprising Katára, she takes him in her arms, wrapping him in a long"suffering hug, surrendering to tears. The daemon immediately presses his small body against hers, needing that hug as much as she does.

"That's not fair, you can't leave me."

Lyra, who heard everything, puts her hand over her mouth to stop Ella from hearing her. Incredulous of what she heard, imagining Ella's suffering, she didn't know what to do, she wanted to get out of there and run to wrap her in her arms, pushing away everything and everyone who wanted to harm her.

A commotion was brewing at the entrance, seeing that Ella had also noticed, Lyra quickly moved away so as not to be seen by the girl.

"What is happening?"

"I think they found someone from the ICS."

"But they all ran away."

Ryan and Jason took the lead with a group of men. All very anxious to wait. They returned to everyone's surprise accompanied by Lin, who had his hands tied behind his back. He stared at everyone scared, only when his gaze fell on Ella, he showed more relief.

"Thank God you're alright!"

Not sharing the Doctor's joy, Ella approaches.

"What did you come here for?"

He looked unsure of how to say that.

"I came to warn you. They are preparing, they know they will attack. They know they are gathering and are preparing strongly."

"And how could they know?"

"Margot, that woman knows things that scare even me. She has taken full control of the base. She killed all the leaders."

Many there looked at one another nervously.

"Impossible, how did she do it?"

" I don't know. She plans something big, that's why I came to help. I know the base well, I can..."

"Why should we trust you?"

"Ella, you out of everyone here know I wasn't in favor of what they did, I never..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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