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"Simply relax your thoughts and say yes, you are sick, I know.  Don't try to stifle the pain."



 Lyra looked at that place mesmerized.  Those trees were so magnificent, something literally out of this world, and she couldn't take her eyes off their beauty.

 "Beautiful, isn't it?"

 Lyra could barely speak, just nodded.  Ella was smiling at Lyra, taking her hand.

 "So where now Ella?"  Jason asks.

 Ella sits on the floor, opening the book.  Lyra, now curious about how the girl used the book, watched everything she did carefully.

 Asking the question in their minds, the book immediately shows them where to go next.  Using earth"colored lines, draw a picture of a tree with a sign written: W048.

 "Incredible." Lyra says in wonder.  Everything she saw in that place was impressive.

 "I know!" Ella exclaims excitedly, and takes Lyra's hand again and pulls her through the trees, looking for the right one.


 The girl stops when she hears a voice whispering her name.

 "What's it?"  she asks looking around.


 The girl turns around looking in all directions looking for the voice.  Lyra looks on with concern.

 "Did you hear that?"

 "Hear what?"  Jason asks.

 Ella felt a familiar presence, something was connecting with her.

 “N"nothing.  It was just my impression."  she lies, letting go of Lyra's hand and moving on in silence.

 Jason and Lyra exchanged confused glances.  It doesn't take long to find the tree that the book had indicated: Will's world tree.

 Lyra knew that, and it was impossible to explain how she felt.  The moment she's been waiting for has finally arrived.  The moment to be reunited with Will.  She could hardly believe it.  All this could very well be a dream!  That place really looked like something out of dreams, magical and perfect place.  But it was real.  That tree would take her back to Will, and in a way, it was ironic, because for the last few years she had spent hours and hours sitting in that garden, surrounded by trees and more trees, imagining just this moment.  And now, her deepest wish would come true precisely because of a tree: a portal to another world.

 "Are you ready?" Pan asks, and she carries him over to hold him against her chest in a hug.  Lyra nods.  She has never been so ready.

 "Ella, are you okay?"

 Lyra turns to see Jason, who was kneeling in front of an unwell-looking Ella.

 “I have a bad feeling."  the girl says, and she was pale.

 "Why?"  Jason asks, frowning.

"I don't know, I'm just feeling something wrong inside." She points to the tree.

 Jason and Lyra looked at each other worriedly.  Lyra takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself.  That couldn't happen now.  For once in her life she prayed that things would work out, that everything would be resolved without further problems.  She looks at Ella, sitting on the floor and looking worried.

 "You must stay here, I can look for Will alone."  Ella vehemently denies it.

 "No!  I want to go with you."

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