Chapter 2

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Stephen Ahn glared at the front gates of Eunjang as he entered the school grounds. He didn't want to be here. He wanted to stay at the hospital and remain by Gray's side. He wasn't even in the same area as Gray, meaning he wouldn't be able to visit him everyday after school.

Stephen loved his mother, he really did. They only had each other when Stephen's father walked out on them when he was only five years old. His mother was the one who raised him. She was the one who loved him and taught him to be kind to everyone. 

But right now, Stephen was angry with her. His mother was forcing him to continue school. As much as Stephen didn't want to, he knew that Gray would've wanted him to eventually graduate high school like everyone else.

He managed to locate his classroom, Class 1-5. Immediately, he could tell that most of the students were the typical delinquents. He took a seat at an empty desk up front and decided to go on his phone until class started. More students began to fill the room and Stephen made sure to take note of them.

'The ones is the back seem to be a group of bullies,' Stephen thought. 'They're loud and are picking on that kid in front of them,' He briefly glanced over to the boy who sat next to him. 'This one is obviously intimidated by the ones in the back. He seems pretty weak and is probably the type to get bullied a lot,'

The teacher entered and class began. Stephen didn't really need to pay attention much since the lessons weren't too difficult. They were quite easy for him to understand, but he just found no reason to put in any effort except the bare minimum. There were no cash prizes for being in first place in the class, so he didn't even bother trying. If there were cash prizes, he'd win and keep the money all to himself instead of donating.

"Does he think he's some kind of saint?"

"He's just a poser,"

"He's obviously doing it for the attention,"

"He wants to look like a good guy but I bet it's all fake,"

"He's just trying to impress the girls,"

He had been donating all of his prize money out of the goodness of his own heart. He had been genuinely kind and helped his classmates out by paying for their lunch fees. In return, they had all betrayed him and Gray. They all talked shit about him and Gray behind their backs.

The only student from Byuksan Middle School that Stephen had trust in was Jeremy Park. He was the one who had revealed the class' group chat to him and Gray, even though Oswald Yang and Bryce Oh had told the class not to tell them. But Jeremy, despite knowing that it'd risk him getting targeted, still went out of his way to tell Gray and Stephen.

Stephen actually wouldn't have minded keeping in touch with Jeremy, but he didn't want to risk it. While Stephen attended Eunjang, Jeremy still attended Byuksan High School where Oswald and Bryce were. Bullies often steal and go through their victims' phones, so if they found out Jeremy still had contact with Stephen, it'd put a large target on Jeremy.


Stephen managed to get through the entire first day of school without any incident. He went straight home after school and tossed his bag onto the floor. He took his anger and frustrations out on his training dummy.

After being expelled from Byuksan Middle School, Stephen had taken up on learning how to fight. He knew he had to be able to protect himself and he knew that he needed to get stronger. He didn't want to lose. He couldn't afford to lose. Stephen needed to be prepared in case Oswald sent someone after him for revenge or in case someone in Yeongdeungpo decides to target him.

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