Home Stretch

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*Kotas POV*

I stood there frozen as Milo loomed over me. He was mean for sure but the way he was looking at me made me feel uncomfortable. Like very very very uncomfortable. Kind of like a piece of meat. I backed away slowly glaring at him. I wasn't going to show weakness not now when my older brother is about to beat my ass.

He looked taken aback by the way i was looking at him then his expression changed to something even angrier. He look furious as he walked closer to me and picked me up by my shirt like some kind of bully. "You dare look at me like that?" He gritted his teeth at me. "You've got a lot of damn nerve boy." Then he throws me like it was nothing. I went flying across the room and hit the ground, hard.

I screamed and his eyes widened as he rushed towards me. What the hell is going on that prick! I got angry so as soon as that idiot tried to touch me again I bit his hand and he yelled.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He said in a bloodcurdling voice and I was paralysed.

His eyes now fuming with rage as he looked at me with those piercing colors. He punched me across my face and ripped my shirt but before he could rip it off I managed to escape and run for the door. I was scared and afraid and I could feel my immaturity overwhelm me and I started to cry. Why was this happening I didn't script a mean brother into this world! as soon as he caught up to me my other older brother Dy'Kenai opened the door. He stared down at me with his cold green eyes. His facial expression, indifferent.

Suddenly Dy'Kenai punches the ever living shit out of Milo and I watched as Dy'Kenai owned him. I sobbed, I had never been hit like that before.. in my old world I had never even gotten into a fight but I knew that even in my old world I wouldn't be crying like this. Maybe it was the age difference. Suddenly my dad came behind me and both of my brothers stopped fighting immediately. Its like they knew as soon as they felt her presence.

Dy'Kenai dusted himself off "Father this.. excuse my language- BASTARD. Was trying to beat up Kota!" He yelled half loosing his composure. "No I DIDNT he's lying! Dad you have to believe me it was him!" Milo lied. I just stood there traumatised. Then my father picked me up and gave a death glare to both the boys and took me out of the room.

"Kota. I need you to tell me who did this to your okay? Be honest." She said in a concerned caring voice. "Who did it was it Milo or Dy'Kenai?" She held me. I managed to stop being hysterical like a baby "M-Milo, i dont know why he just-" my voice cracked. I played the victim even though I obviously was. That idiot why did he just decide to come in my room to antagonise me?

Who punches their 10 year old brother in the face like that? Thats not natural, whatever I did before I shifted here must have been pretty bad. "It's okay, I'll go make sure milo doesn't do this ever again. Okay?" My father said.

She let me down and I immediately became anxious again and ran off. I was not about to stick around for whatever was going to happen between dad and my brothers. Eventually while running aimlessly around the huge walls of this castle I ran into my mom.

"What's wrong sweetie why are you running?" My mom asked. I debated on if I should tell her what happened but then I thought that maybe if I told her it would be double trouble for milo so I told her. The audible gasp she let out almost made me laugh. So dramatic, and I had to fight bad a smile. "Did he hurt you? Are you okay bear?" She asked with her eyes full of concern. It felt nice.. to have someone who actually cared.. my mother back home wasn't ever as affectionate as this.

"I-I'm fine, Dy'Kenai saved me-" but before I could finish my sentence my mom grabbed my chin and turned it to the side and focused on my cheek where Milo punched me. "Darling, it's already bruising , we need to get you to a doctor now." She basically ordered. "Are Dy'Kenai and Milo still fighting?" "No, dad came soon after they started fighting and she stopped them" i said.

"She?" My mother looked at me a bit puzzled and soon that confused showed on my face and turned into a frown. "Oh no honey, your father isn't a she.. you call your father him, okay?" I was so confused as my mother picked me up. "Your daddy doesn't like being called a her okay?" She added. "Okay but isn't daddy a woman?" "Yes baby but he would like to be called a him. Can you do that for him?" She checked.

She was trying to raise me right. I respect that. "Okay mommy" I tried to sound as innocent as I could. I don't know why I'm putting on a show but I am. I guess I'll play nice for awhile.

* * *

I sat in my room, quiet. Thinking. My mother took me to the doctor and the doctor put some type of ointment on my cheek. And my dad put Milo on punishment not enough if you ask me. Dy'Kenai got off with a warning. I don't know why he literally protected me. I looked around and saw all the technology around me. Who needs a ps5 and a xbox ? By all means okay? I LOVE video games. But the way this castle looks, these things look so out of place. By now it was night fall and I was waiting hoping Killua would show up.

Then I got a knock on my door. "Come in" i said softly. Thinking it was my parents but instead it was an old man, one of our royal chauffeurs he was. I looked at him waiting for hi to speak up about what he needed. "Y-young Prince," The man kneeled and squabbled to get his words out. As if he was scared of me? I'm nothing but a kind why would he be scared of me? "The deepest apologies, sir. I have transported your humble guest of honour but he has seemed to get away from me." The old man spoke lowly, afraid of what i might say.

"Oh, Killua? Well get up then and let's go find him!" I said excitedly. I want my friend, the only reason i came here was because of him. I cant do this alone. The man looked surprised at my reaction and hesitated a bit before standing up "W-well um, the last time I saw your guest he ran into the woods. Its very dark and it may be dangerous,"

"It's okay I'll go alone" i hurriedly walked past him and went down the stairs. I didn't even know my way out of this chamber but I would surely find it. The old man hurried behind me and spoke of caution to me "Young prince! Do not go out there without a guard! Its dangerous" I didn't listen nor care but i stopped in my tracks and turned around to the man. "What is your name?" I asked. He looked at me confused but said "My name is Mr. Hollan, your majesty" he bowed. "Nice to meet you Mr. Hollan." I cant lie. I liked being called majesty.

It made me feel like royalty. Although I already was.

I brushed off my little ego boost and just told him to show me the way to the forest where Killua ran. The old man insisted that I stay in the castle but I wasn't hearing it. Even though I am just a 10 year old boy and I basically just got beat up by my brother I'm not a wimp. So he took me outside to the place where the forest was and I told him I wouldn't get him in trouble for taking me.

I was surrounded by super tall trees and it was pitch black dark outside but somehow my eyes adjusted particularly fast. I could see into the woods in front of me, now on a real note. I didn't expect to get this far. I thought the old man was going to tell me to stay inside but he just does whatever I want him to. I'm gonna use that to my advantage of course.

Fighting back all the cowardly feeling I had, I went into the woods surrounding the beautifully lit castle. The old man followed me to the best of his ability while I was trying to find any sign of Killua around. "Prince I believe there are no guards on patrol on this side of the woods it may be dangerous.." he warned, I ignored. Eventually I didn't hear the mans foot steps any longer. It was quiet, too quiet.

I stood still in search of which way I should go. Suddenly there was a light.. They glimmered in the darkness and they flew around gracefully, fireflies. The fireflies lit up in a certain direction and that's where I followed. What? Its the best lead I've got right now..

Where the hell am I going?

AN - sorry this was very late I'm caught up with school, thanks for the votes though!

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