Unfinished Buisness

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I ran.

I ran from my brother.

He was chasing me down the path through the forest. I was so tired and worn out but I kept going. I couldn't give up... I could never.

Not when it's finally my chance, I may finally have a chance at having a friend..


That name, I kept replaying it in my head. "Do it for Kota" "he's your best friend!" "Keep going!" "He told you to never give up!"

I ran straight past mike and pushed the gate open as fast as I could which wasn't that easy but I made it. I could hear Illumi's rustling through the woods and I was not about to stick around long enough to find out how close he was. "Why am I doing this? What if its all just a voice in my head..?" I'm going crazy aren't I?

As I began to doubt all of it, the cold air filling my lungs, the soreness on my body from the bruises.. If I didn't make it it'd surely be all for nothing and there's no way I'll get off easily after what I did to escape.

I devised a plan to sneak out the house but it didn't go well seeing that earlier I may or may not have done something to piss my brother Milluki off. Milluki hated me and I didn't care. Thats what really made him angry. I went into his room and stole one of his figurines he's always hawking over and broke it because he ate some of my chocolate robots. Fatty. Turns out it was his favorite one and to get back at me he ate the rest of my chocolates. I of course stabbed him for it because... obviously it was justified- but then he caught me and I let him take his anger out on me... and I got sick of it so

I made the date I was originally supposed to leave a bit quicker. Its not my fault. Kota started talking to me while I was all alone in that room.. I was lonely and he gave me hope. Whatever.

I come back to my reality after almost tripping on a branch but then all my previous doubts washed away immediately. I saw it. The car that was supposed to pick me up and take me far away from this hell hole. I waited no longer, without a second thought I bolted into that car that Kota told me to. As soon as I entered the car it was warm.. and it smelled good, I couldn't explain it.

"Young Killua I presume?" The old man driver asked. Me, I wasn't so casual. I mean my literal assassin brother is after me. He started chasing me because Milluki couldn't! "Yes! Now drive!" I yelled not caring about my manners. "What's the hurry? You've just gotten here, would you like a blanket-" "no please just drive!! My brother is after us no time to explain!" I yelled again. "Killua, you should know that no one can hurt us while we are in this car," the old man informed. "What?" I questioned, raising a brow. "The Majestys already put protection on this car, they would not let Prince Kota's guest be harmed in anyway"

"What's a protection?" I was about to find out.. Illumi stood behind the car in his creepy little way. "Oh crap! He's here!" I yelled. Theres no way.. we're done for.

Illumi stood there. Y'all and slender as his long dark hair draped over his shoulders like the woman in the ring. Suddenly out of nowhere the old man stepped on the gas and the car sped off. The car was fast but Illumi knew better than to give up because the same second the car sped off Illumi bolted after the car like his life depended on it.

I sat in the back knowing dang well this car isn't going to be enough to out run Illumi. My eyes glued to the back window watching the pale figure chase after us. "My apologies young zoldyck, but you may have to brace yourself," the old man explained. In confusion I said "what?" The old man paused swerving down the road. My heartbeat races wondering if I'm going to make it out of this alive. "I'm afraid this may feel a little scary but hold on." Before I could say anything all of a sudden it felt like time slowed down, I watched illumi's expression change as his eyes were now boring into something behind me instead of my eyes.

I turned around and for a split second I saw a split in reality open up and swallow the car while with me in it. My whole body vibrated aggressively and I got dizzy. Then suddenly my surroundings changed and we were driving down a road surrounded by trees in the middle of nowhere.

Turning around I saw Illumi nowhere to be seen. "what.. the hell.. was that?!" I yelled trying to gain a grip on what was left of my understanding of reality.

It happened so fast?

"Don't worry we are almost there" the old man reassured. His voice sounds way to calm and happy for this to be unusual. I turned to look at him through the rear view mirror giving him a what-the-actual-fuck-just-happened face.

"Oh it happens to the best of us, i was like that when it was my first time going through a portal too" the old man chuckled. What did I get myself into? Did we actually teleport through a portal? I calmed down a bit and realised how tired I was. Everything was calm. Quiet. And Illumi was gone. Thank god.

I eventually came to the conclusion to not freak out about whatever just happened and to just be glad Illumi's gone. I glanced at the blanket next to me and I grabbed it, wrapping it around me. I dont know why but I feel calm. Usually I would be wary of the old man driving me to who knows where but I can't seem to bring myself to.

1 hour passes after I fell asleep and I suddenly woke up after the car stops. I look outside the window to see a huge castle. It was even bigger than the Zoldyck mansion.. I wondered how that was even possible before I came to the realisation that the old man is gone.. I fully regained my consciousness and thought to myself what if this was a trap?

I'm a Zoldyck.. They could easily try and hold me for ransom.. I'm probably worth a lot of money too. Its in the middle of the night and I'm in the middle of nowhere.. next to the castle of a royal family that I've never even heard of and I was teleported here from who knows how far. My fear sets in and I begin to worry.. What if Kota doesn't exist and this is just a set up? I was so desperate for a friend I didn't even think of the possibility of him being fake!

What's wrong with me I can't have friends! I'm and assassin.. I'm just a cold blooded killer and that's what I'll always be thats my only purpose.

To kill..

I don't deserve a friend.

I could feel it. Tears welled in my eyes and I cursed myself for being such a cry baby. I opened the car door and ran into the forest not even thinking of what might happen. I didn't care as long as they can't get me. I heard the old mans voice from somewhere call my name but I couldn't be bothered to look back..

I cant believe this. I sat in the forest in some bushes fighting back my tears but no matter how much training I go through I can never fight them.

I wish Kota were here.

What A Universe / HXH StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon