✘ 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟓

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Kazuha sat there staring at the fallen leaves that quietly lay down on the grass.

The silence was a reminder to Kazuha that he was all alone, no facet of companionship coming his way. Not that he would let anybody if they tried, Kazuha had been colder over the past year, after the sudden suicide of his dear friend, he knew something was going on with his friend, it was the reason why he rushed towards Liyue along with the Crox.

But when he got there, it was already too late. Too late for him to do anything.

He looked down seeing the box of letters, all of those letters she didn't send to him, he pulled up one of the letters, her handwriting foreign yet incredibly familiar, and tears welled up in his eyes after a very long time, been a while since he cried over her.

Her family not only mourn but felt guilty over her death, Kazuha was furious over the chief, moreover, the father who took her in as her daughter to be used, Kazuha took every single thing that belong to her and walked away from that family not even giving mercy for them.

The male rubbed his eyes with his free hand, gripping the letter like a lifeline in the other. He couldn't cry now, he had to hold it in, to read the last letter of hers.

Dear Kazuha..

I guess you couldn't make it... Well, I don't blame you... I hope you continue living... I'm going to go visit Tomo, okay? Don't follow me you hear me! I'm sorry for what I've done to you.

There are a lot of things I wanted to tell you, I wanted to tell you everything! Everything! But I felt like a burden if I did. Ever since we met each other, we both clicked instantly, didn't we? Kazu and [n/n], sumarais to the end is what we always said right?

Archons, I feel stupid even doing this to myself, but I just want to be free so I did it, I think doing it was something I didn't feel like doing but I did it. Gosh, I wish I was numb!

Maybe this really isn't the time to even tell you this, but I've been writing it to all those letters I didn't deliver. Kazuha, I don't even think god knows how much I loved you. You were you and I was really in love with you, like no words could even express how much love I had for you. But I kept it in me, for years now. I bet Tomo knew about it as well, maybe he did and not said anything.

You stayed by my side for a very long time, Kazu. You were there when I got my first tooth out, you were there when I started to cry, you were there when got the samurai title, you were there for every single thing I did, there's nothing I could recall without you, we shared everything together, both sadness and happiness. And I'm grateful for that.

Thank you, Kazuha. For being you. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for the lovable haiku poems you've made for me. Thank you for making every second of my life worth living. 

This is goodbye, I guess... I'm sorry and I thank you for everything...

I love you just because.

Love, [y/n]!

Biting his bottom lips failed miserably as they begin to wobble, Kazuha read the letter, again and again, memorizing it so he would remember it every single day.

The thought rewound its memories of her, memories he almost forgot. He saw her deactivate vision on top of the letters, picking that one up, tears fell freely down from his face. It was like fate was repeating itself just to haunt him. The boy grabbed the dangling scarf where his vision and his other dear friend's deactivated vision were, he sighs placing hers near the other two visions.

As he stood up, her voice, laughter, smiles, cries, all of that filled his mind. Kazuha slowly lifts up his head to the maple tree that she protected and gave care to so it would grow huge, and it did. His lips crept a soft yet broken smile, watching the leaves falling down like snow. 

Kazuha took out the book that always kept with him, he wanted to do something for her so he begins to write something with a smile, as he softly spoke;

"Dear [y/n]... I'm doing okay."

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