Chapter Four

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Sang woke up with feeling hands on her face, jerking awake she flinched away, blinking her eyes rapidly trying to get the blurry vision away.

"Sang?" She heard the soft voice of Jessica. Her mind went to what happened. She was back. She was too close to where her family was. She didn't want to be here. Sang needed to talk to Jessica's brother and then leave.

Sang needed to make sure she got back to the normal part of town and stayed there. She hadn't wanted to visit this neighborhood again. It would be too soon if she had to come here again....she didn't want to be here now.

"Sang?" This time it was a male voice, she blinked again to see gold locks and green eyes, she didn't recognize this voice.

"I"m fine." This was the automatic answer that left her lips, from the frown on the man's face, she had a feeling he knew it too. She never told people how she was really feeling, and she wasn't about to cave now for this matter how handsome he looked.

"Not to be rude..." Sang asked, still curled into herself, but she was sitting up now and looking at the man who and a couple others in the room. All but three she knew. Jessica was next to a boy who had similar looks to her, Sang assumed this was the brother. He had the same startling green eyes Jessica had.

Then there was North who was leaning against the wall, eyes narrowed at her and arms crossed over his chest.

"But what is with the crowd..." it was muttered quietly, but she didn't like how they were hovering. It made her uncomfortable.....she was already panicking on how she was going to get out of here without being asked a million questions. She was back in this close to her so-called family...

She had to play her cards right and make sure no one from her family saw her, it probably would be easiest to go through the woods to sneak away, but she had a feeling the boys here wouldn't let her do that. Her eyes flickered around the room. There were five in total, not including Jessica.

"Well, Miss Sang, you gave Jessica and North quite the scare when you passed out. When you were brought in they wanted to make sure you were okay, so I got called in." The man with curly blond hair and green eyes gave her a smile, still keeping a couple feet away from her. She had a feeling he knew they were making her uncomfortable.

"I am a doctor...." He paused seeing Sang raise an eyebrow at that and tilting her head, not saying a word against it though. To her he looked to be a bit too young to be a doctor.

"Now, would you like to tell me why you passed out?" He took a step closer, making my eyes narrow at him, but not saying anything.

"North said it looked like you had a panic attack? Is there something that triggered it? Are you prone to them?" He quickly rattled off question after question not even giving me a chance to respond.

"I get panic attacks from time to time. I'm fine." Sang spoke, trying to figure a way to make him stop asking questions and find a way out of here. She had gotten used to figuring a way to talk herself out of having full blown panic attacks, or calm herself enough so she could flee to have them alone away from prying eyes. She hadn't gotten a lot of them since she left her family. Seeing the house brought her back to them and that is what triggered it. She wasn't going to tell this stranger that being so close to her family is what made it happen.

Nope. Definitely not going to happen. She didn't know them and didn't have to tell them anything. She didn't trust them at all. They may seem nice, but trust was build with time. She learned the hard way to never trust someone right away. Her eyes took them all in and could see they didn't quiet believe her but that didn't bother her. It wasn't like she would see them again after she left here.

Sang shifted so she was sitting stright and faceing the five of them in the room, one person stood out. A man in a squirt with silver eyes that pierced into her. She tore her eyes away from him as Sean rattled off another question.

"Do you feel sick or have a headache?" Sean frowned not taking a step forward. He could see she wasn't comfortable around him and didn't wnt to chance her running.

"I'm fine." She repeated these words she always said. She never had someone take care of her and she wasn't going to start now. She had to be the strong one now that she was all on her own.

"Sang..." Her eyes went over to Jessica who was looking at her with worry making Sang sigh and give the girl a small smile.

"I'm fine. I just was surprise by something and triggered a memory." She wasn't going to give much information but the young girl was nice and she could see she really was shaken up by her passing out on her. She felt bad for that.

"No offence....I think I should be getting home...." Sang didn't want to stay here if she didn't have to. Not when she was so close to her so called family.

"Miss Sang..." She julted a bit at the sound of a cold voice as, making her look to the man in the suite, "I think Miss Lee would feel better if you stayed a bit so she knew that you were okay. You gave her quiet the scare.."

Sang bit her lip at this, looking to the young girl who was looking at her with pleading eyes, making her inwardly sigh. She didn't want to stay, but it was hard to say no when the girl was looking at her like that.

"I will stay if you all stop asking me if I'm okay and why I passed out. I don't know you well enough to talk about things that trigger me..."She spoke, voice firm on the subject. Sang didn't want to stalk about the past or what could trigger her panic attacks. Her sister used to use those triggers to make her have panic attacksk at school for her amusement, and dind't want to chance anyone else having the opportunity to do the same.

The men all looked to one another as if having a conversation with one another, before the man in the suite spoke again, "We can agree to that.....for now." Sang didn't like the for now, but didn't say anything.

She had a feeling that the rest of the day wasn't going to go any better from the looks on the faces on the room. Sang sighed, she just wanted to leave...but it seems that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

Just her luck.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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