Chapter Two

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Sang took at the girl that was in front of her she was still long with long hair and bright green eyes that hid behind pink glasses. Blinking for a minute she licked her lips seeing the scared look in the girl's eyes.

Opening her mouth to speak she paused when hearing hurried footsteps and yelling, not even giving it a second thought Sang grabbed the girl's wrist and pulled her as fast as she could into a small space between the buildings. There wasn't a lot of room, but she could shuffle by between the buildings to get one place to another if she needed to.

"Shh" Sang whispered as the young girl looked ready to protest. Wide eyed the young girl moved closer to Sang as she pulled her deeper into the hidden path between the buildings, "If we are quiet they will leave an not even know we are here."

The girl nodded and stayed silent as she put her hands on the brick building and followed where Sang was taking her. There wasn't a lot of room, but if it got her away from who was after her, she wouldn't complain.

The two of them could hear the footsteps getting closer and both huddled further back when they saw two guys pass by the opening between the two buildings.

"Did you find her?" a gruff voice asked as they came to a stop.

"No...she couldn't have gotten too far, and there is no sign of any of the Academy scum." the other voice growled. Then the sound of metal hitting the ground rang through the air. If Sang had to guess, one of the guys kicked one of the metal trash cans.

"We will try the next street over then go back to the park a block away. Maybe she hid there." There was the sound of retreating footsteps before it was silent again.

The two didn't move or say anything for awhile, wanting to make sure the close was clear before coming out of the hiding spot.

Sang looked at the young girl, "So now that they are about we find a way of getting you home...or somewhere safe."

Tired green eyes looked at Sang, as if trying to see if she could be trusted, " can go on your own. I won't make you stay..."

Biting her lip the young girl said, "I need to call my brother....." Tears were starting to gather in her eyes, "My brother will know what to do...He can protect me."

Sang nodded, "I don't have a cell phone with me or change for a payphone. We have a few options." She was going to let the girl chose what one she wanted to do, "We can either go to the library, they have a free phone we can use or I can escort you back home....or even take you to the police. It is your choice."

"I don't know if going home is safe..." the young girl said frowning, "Can we go to the library....."

Sang nodded, she knew the library wasn't that far from them either, "There is a library about a block and a half from here. We can keep a low profile as we get there." Sang took the hoodie that was around her waist off and gave it to the girl, "Put this on, I know it is a bit hot out for it, but we don't want to chance those guys seeing you."

"Thank you....."

"You're welcome. My name is Sang...." She gave her a small smile as she watched the girl put on the hoodie and bring the hood to cover her face.

"Jessica..." The girl muttered, taking a deep breath in as she looked the older girl, "Thank you again.....thank you so much."

Sang held her hand out for the girl to take, "It's fine...let's get you to a phone so you can get to the people who are probably worried about you....okay?"

Jessica nodded taking Sang's hand as they made their way out of the ally. Glancing at the streets they made their way onto the sidewalk and walked normally, trying not to bring any attention to themselves.

It didn't take long for them to get to the library and get to the phone that was by the front sliding doors.

"Go ahead. I will stay with you to someone comes and gets you..." Sang told the younger girl reassuringly as she stepped closer to the phone. Jessica took a deep breath before dialing a number and putting the old phone to her ear.

The phone rang once before someone answered.

"Who is this? How did you get this number" a male voice came through the receiver. Sang assumed it was her brother from the relieved look on Jessica's face as she breathed a name out.


Author's Note: SO here you go. I had trouble writing this because the first draft of this got deleted...then I really didn't feel like rewriting it....but I did. I hope you all enjoyed the second draft to this chapter...because yeaah. Enjoy! 

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