Chapter One

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Sang sighed as she slowly woke. She could hear the sound of traffic as she hid in an ally. Taking a deep breath, she moved her slightly damp hair out of her face and glanced at her surroundings. She had crashed in the back of the alley late into the morning after she had gotten off work.

Yes, she worked and still slept in an alley, but she had no choice. She only got so much money. Sang didn't have any identification and she had been underage when she started working at the bar. It was alright, she may not get paid like she was supposed to, but she still got enough to get clothes, food and other items she may need. She was surviving, and that is all that mattered. She had three more days before she was eighteen and until then she needed to lay low.

Slowly standing up Sang stretched her body and ran a hand over her face. She was tired....she was always tired. No matter how much she slept she always felt tired. Sang knew that living on the streets would be hard on her, but she was getting to a point it was becoming too much.

She worked as many hours as she could, but she only got about a hundred dollars a week...and that wasn't very much for all the hours she put in. Sang knew she should have gotten more than that, but it wasn't like she could complain. Her boss gave her the job, no questions asked, and paid her under the table. It was more than other places could do. She had tried to get jobs at a lot of different places but must need an ID or License and a Social Security card or Birth Certificate.....and all these things she didn't have.

Shaking her head Sang grabbed her backpack and started to make her way out of the alley. She would find some breakfast and probably go spend time at the library. She may not go to school anymore, but Sang does try to keep learning. When she turned eighteen shew was going to get a GED and get all the other documents she needed but couldn't get because she was underage.

"Another day...."Sang muttered as she looked at the sky that was starting to turn colors. It was still early and the sun had just started to come up. This gave her time to go to the little cafe and get coffee and a breakfast sandwich before the morning rush came in. Slowly walking down the street she glanced around at some of the buildings, some of them were run down and a couple had closed up but she liked it down here. It wasn't as dangerous compared to the other side of town where if you were out after dark bad things would happen to you.

She had been walking five minutes before she made it to the little Cafe that was tucked away on the corner of the street, the bright red door standing out against the brick building.

Sang opened the door to the Cafe and made her way to the counter, there were only two works and a few people inside. It was early so no one had really ventured out of their homes yet.

"Welcome! What can I get you?" A young girl, probably sixteen, greeted Sang with a smile. She had only seen this girl a couple of times.

Sang smiled, "A small hot Mocha and a bacon and egg breakfast sandwich for here." She pulled out a twenty and gave it to the girl before she could even tell her the total.

"Alright! The hot Mocha will only take a minute, but the breakfast sandwich will be brought out to you when it is done." The girl handed Sang her change and a recipe and made her way to the coffee machines and other equipment.

Like the girl said it only took a few minutes before Sang was handed a hot Styrofoam cup and a plastic lid which contained her coffee.

"Thank you" Sang muttered as she carefully took the cup and made her way to a table in the back corner of the Cafe. She sat down with a sigh and held her coffee in her hands as she looked around her. There were only three people in the Cafe, two students from the look at the textbooks that were on the tables around them, and another woman who looked like she was a business woman or maybe a teacher. She had a couple files in front of her a pen in her hand as she went over a document.

Glancing away from the people Sang gave a small hum of satisfaction as she took a drink of her coffee, it warmed up her whole body. Her green eyes looked up when she saw her food being sat down in front of her by one of the cafe employees, "Thank you."

The worker gave a smile before going back to work. Most of the workers here recognized her because she came here almost every day, but she never got to know any of them personally. Sang really didn't want to get to know anyone personally, she felt that trusting another person could hurt her in the long run right now....not until she was eighteen. She was taking no chances of getting sent pack to her family.

She survived this long on her own, and she was going to make it a few more days. Nothing was going to stop her from doing so.

Sang shook her head getting the thoughts out of her mind, she didn't want to keep her mind on that right now. Today she was going to go to the library, she had been trying to learn a new language as of late, she hadn't been able to decide what one. She knew the basics of sign language thanks to one of the librarians....and another student taught her Spanish. Sang had also learned a little German out of boredom...and she could get by with French if she needed too. She wanted to learn something different though, maybe she would pick up sign language again.

She ate her breakfast as she continued to think of what she was going to do for the day. Sang grabbed her trash and threw it away before waving goodbye to the worker who gave a 'Have a good day!' and headed outside.

It was a nice day out today, the weather was warm and not humid. It would be a great day to probably head to the park. She could go there before she went to the library, which wouldn't open for a few more hours.

She hummed under her breath as she cut through an alleyway, she had learned all kinds of hiding places and shortcuts from living on the streets. It made it easier to run from the Police if she needed to....which she had to do a few times.

Just as she turned the corner to another hidden alley her body hit something hard as she hit the ground.A started gasp left Sang's lips as she looked over to what hit her and looked into scared green eyes.  

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