Chapter Three

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Sang could see the tears Jessica had been holding back till now running down her cheeks as small sobs escaped her lips. She could hear shuffling on the other line and a voice yelling to get her location.

Sang frowned at this but didn't say anything. She didn't know Jessica or what situation she was in and frankly, it was none of her business. All she cared about was the girl was safe...and that is all that mattered. The girl probably wouldn't think much about her once her brother or parents come to get her.

"I'm fine....I'm fine..." Jessica sobbed out as she clutched the old phone tighter, "Someone helped me.....I am fine." it seemed like she was trying to reassure herself more than anything.

"We have your coordinates.....we will be there soon. Stay on the phone alright." Kota told Jessica, Sang could hear some relief in his voice, "Are you hurt at all?"

Jessica silently shook her head as another sob broke through, "...Nothing serious. I have a few scraps...and I am guessing a few bruises too."

"...good...good.." Kota went silent for a minute, Jessica's sobs having calmed down to small sniffs here and there.

"Is mom alright?" Jessica asked after she had calmed down. Her green eyes glazed over as she looked at the cracking paint on the wall.

"She is fine. Max protector her just fine. I am sorry he couldn't protect both of you.." Kota's voice sounded strained as if in pain when mentioning it, "She has a few cuts and a bruised cheek. Nothing serious....she is worried about you though."

Jessica sniffed again, the tears starting to well up in her eyes again.

Sang gently patted the girl on the head, trying to reassure her. She paused her movements seeing movement out of the corner of her eyes. Her eyes narrowed seeing two muscular men passing by, glancing at Jessica she quickly moved to her side and shielded her from them. She didn't know if they were the guys from before but she wasn't going to take a chance. They looked like they were searching for someone and were in a group of two. That alone made her suspicious.

"Sang?" Jessica whispered eyes widening as she saw the two guys start to come into the library. Sang quickly grabbed the phone, she didn't' know if the guys knew Jessica's voice or not so she quickly put a hand on her mouth.


"Sorry, my name is Sang. Her two friends are still around. We can stay for a few more minutes before heading out"

There was silence on the phone for a minute, "You are the one she mentioned that helped her?"


"How close are they? Can you speak freely?" Kota asked, she could hear him whispering to someone else but she couldn't make out the words.

"Close....very close..." She paused eyes glancing to the side, "I am sorry that we can't make it." She could see the two guys glance at her for a brief minute before making their way into the actual library.

"Alright....Alright." She could hear him take a breath before speaking again, "Someone is few minute you think you guys could stay on the phone until then."

"Yes, that's fine," Sang answered, keeping up the fake conversation as she gently took Jessica's hand in her to give it a reassuring squeeze.

"I am going to have the person picking up Jessica bring you that alright with you."

Sang paused, she didn't know if she wanted to do that. She had been staying under the radar for awhile now for a reason and didn't want to socialize with people.

"Please....can I at least meet the person who helped my sister. If you don't want to stay long that is fine. Someone will drive you home whenever you are feeling uncomfortable or if you just want to leave." Sang could hear the plea in his voice, it bit her lip as she glanced at Jessica, "Just for a bit. I have things to do later today."

A sigh of relief came through the phone line, "Someone is about thirty seconds away. You should see a jeep pull up any second now."

Glancing out the glass sliding doors of the library, she could see a jeep coming to a stop outside, glancing at Jessica Sang gave it a squeeze, "We will see you soon." and she hung up the phone and motioned for the younger girl to follow her.

Sang was taking a leap of faith, she didn't know why. She just had a feeling she should, and she had learned to follow these feelings. They have gotten her out of a lot of sticky situations.

As Sang and Jessica neared the Jeep she could only hope she was right on trusting her feeling and it wasn't going to come and bite her in the butt later. As they got closer and closer to the Jeep Sang could almost see the relief radiating off Jessica.

Jessica seeing someone getting out of the Jeep smiled calling out a name, "North!" She ran to him and Sang could see the relief roll off the girl. Not saying anything Sang walked behind her and gave the male a small smile. She held back a flinch when his piercing gaze met hers.

She straightened her back, a tight lipped smile on her face as she watched 'North'. She felt rather intimidated because of his size but she wasn't going to let him see that.

"Come on. Let's get out of here. We can talk more once we get in the car." His voice was gruff and he motioned for Sang to get in. She glanced at the Jeep and how tall it was and gave a look of disbelief.

"Could it be any bigger" Sang muttered, but she didn't notice she said it out loud till she heard laughter. Her cheeks heated up as she made her way to the door of the monstrosity as she was going to now call it.

'How the hell am I supposed...' her train of thought was gone as she yelped. She was lifted off her feet and put into the monstrosity. Jessica was put in right behind her and the door was shut not a second later. Sang blinked and looked at the snickering Jessica who saw her wide eyed look.

Glancing over to the door she saw North get into the Jeep and quickly pull out of the Library. Sang had a feeling he didn't want to stay around when there was a possibility of the guys who were after Jessica was hanging about.

Keeping silent Sang watched at the scenery passed her by before she tensed up seeing where they were going. she recognized this neighbor hood.

Green eyes widened, "no no no" she muttered her face losing color as she saw them turn down the road to see houses she never wanted to see again. She could feel eyes on her, they probably heard her muttering. 

"Sang? Are you al..." That was the last thing she heard before everything went dark. 

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