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Guess our journey begins...

"Luffy! Hurry and paddle! We're about to get sucked into a whirlpool!"

How stupid is this guy!? I look away for one second to check supplies, and we're headed for a whirlpool!? Why did I allow him to be my captain!

Luffy: "Gommene!"

【You and Luffy rapidly paddle away, but to no avail you get closer to the center】

"Baka! Look what you've caused!"

【You look around for something, and find a huge barrel that was used to store your supplies. You dump it out causing Luffy to shout at you】

Luffy: "Oi! What are you doing with our stuff!?"

【You pay him no mind, but instead check the inside of the barrel. After a nod, you pick the barrel up and put it overs Luffy's head. Causing him to shout in surprise】

Luffy: "When did it get so dark!? (Y/N)!? Where are you!"

How does he get even more stupid by the day..? Oh well, this is our only chance of survival..

"Shut up and stand still! Im trying to keep us alive!"

【You then flip him and the barrel over, causing Luffy to slam into the ground harshly】

Luffy: "Oweee! Be more careful (Y/N)! That hurt!"

【He whines again, but you proceed to get into the barrel with him. You barely get it, its only possible because of his stupid rubber self.. Though you hate to admit, it can be pretty handy at times! You move around till you atleast able to deal with it. You're sitting on his lap, knees to your chest. You make a little hole for oxygen, but still able to shut it from the water. Finally you put the lid ontop, making you guys a small 'submarine barrel'】

Luffy: "To crowded! (Y/N)! You take up too much room! Scoot over!"

【He whines like a child before you give him a glare】

"You stop your whining before I toss your sorry Culo into the sea! Atleast this way, we'll live! Ahora deja de moverte, ya que fui yo quien nos salvó. Tengo la mayor cantidad de espacio."

【You whisper the last part with a grin】

Hehe, I can use spanish to my advantage here... They won't have a single idea about what i'm saying! Except maybe Robin.. But she's chill... Right?


【After a while, the waves seem calmed. So you sigh and look at Luffy who had surprisingly fallen asleep. Not having the heart to wake him up, you play with his hair. Until...】

???: "Look at that huge barrel! Must be full of booze, bring it on ship for Alvida!"

Shit... Did that guy say Alvida? Hell no, no no no. Luffy wake up!

"Oi Luffy! Get your Culo up!"

【You shout, grabbing him by the collar and shaking him violently. But to no avail he continues sleeping peacefully. You sigh in defeat and feel them hoisting you guys up into the ship. Unknowing of you and Luffy. You decide to rest, knowing you havent had any since Luffy never shuts up. Finally, your Insomniac ass can sleep peacefully. Right?】



Luffy: "That was...!"

【You jolt awake from the shouting, drowsy since you had about 15 minutes of sleep. You look up and see Luffy popping out of the top of the barrel with his fists in the air】

Luffy: "Such a great nap!!!"

【You cringe and cover your ears from his yelling, then seeing a few unfamiliar faces. Some random normies, and a guy with baby pink hair. But that doesnt matter, all that matters is he woke you up. Just to shout and brag about his sleep. Hell no】

Este maldito idiota, finalmente pude dormir. ¡Pero tiene que despertarme! ¡Lo pidió ahora! Im going to show him not to mess with my sleep!

"Oi! Luffy! Why the hell did you wake me up! Te juro que te golpearé tan fuerte que ni tu mamá te reconocerá. ¡Y te golpearé tanto que la gente piensa que eres una pelota!"

【You stand up and kick him out of the barrel, slamming him into the back wall. The strangers from before look between you and the straw hat man. Trying to piece together what the hell happened】

Luffy: "Ouchie! Sowwy (Y/N)! I didn't mean to wake you up!"

【He whines, brushing himself off from the broken wall. He walks over to you and hoists you out of the barrel】

???: "W-Who the hell are you two!?"

【You look over at the pink haired kid who screamed so loud it almost made you deaf, you bonk him on the head to signal him to be quiet】

"Shut up, youre so noisy! Im gonna get a migraine from you two.. Luffy im gonna go nap, come get me when you feel like it!"

I dont care whats going on, but im going to sleep. And if ANYONE wakes me up again.. They better have insurance..

【Without waiting for a response, you walk out of the room and wander the halls, until you run into someone】

"What the fuc-"

【Before you finish she covers your mouth, whispering for you to be quiet. In annoyance you lick her hand, causing her to snatch it away and look at you with disgust】

???: "Oi! What the hell! That's disgusting you know, you shouldnt treat a woman like that Pirate!"

【The word 'Pirate rolls off her tongue with pure hatred and disgust, you take a few steps away from the girl and look at her. Taking notice of her bright ginger hair】

"Whatever, do you know where the bedroom is? Or not, just lead me somwhere quiet so I can sleep.."

Man, she seems annoying... I recognize her, but I cant put my finger on it.. Oh well..

???: "Dont tell me what to do! And I'll only do that if you tell me where the treasure is!"

Treasure? Theres treasure here? Oh well, ill just point some random way after she shows me...

"Fine, its down the hall, room in the center and there should be a hatch or something. Now show me please.."

【You yawn, placing a hand over your mouth. She gives you a suspicious glance but leads you to a empty room with a small hammock】

???: "Thanks Pirate, you dont seem to bad. But not good either! The names Nami, maybe in the future we'll meet again. Wont promise it'll be the best circumstances though! Ciao!"

【The girl supposedly named 'Nami' leaves hurridly, while you just shrug and walk towards the hammock. You sigh and fall asleep immediately when you lay down】

"Finally... Some sleep..."


If you guys want translations on the spanish, comment and I'll gladly do so!

Unwanted Rebirth 《One piece x male reader》 《boy x boy》Where stories live. Discover now