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"Finally... Some sleep..."

【You sleep well.. For about ten minutes! Before some random guy busts through the wall unconscious! Which literally spins you off the hammock, onto the goddamn floor】

"Fucking bloody hell! Who in their damned mind decided to wake me up!?"

I swear, this puta is dead! I am at my limits, idiotic stubborn captain, random pirate adventure, whirlpool, and now pirate ship! Ugh, I can't catch a break can I!?

【You stand up from the floor, and look across the room to find who woke you up. Only to find some guy already beaten up, laying across the floor by a splintered wall】

"I guess I can't kill him if he's already dead.. Might as well find the guy who took the joy of murder.."

【You walk out through the bursted wall, and begin searching the ship. Until a certain familiar voice rung in your ears】

"gomu-gomu no-"

【You hear a few screams and cries, making you run that direction only to see a huge ugly cow blocking my path】


Wait, thats Luffy's attack! And I'm right behind her!? Fucking hel-

【Alvida crashes into you and flies out like a certain team rocket... Seems too familiar... But you get fucking crushed!】

Luffy: "Ahhh!! (Y/N) got crushed! Doctor, Doctor!"

Is he stupid? He just wiped out the captain! Why would a doctor help him!?

"Oi, im fine. Just probably bruised from that old pig. But who's your new friend there?"

【You point to the pink haired boy, hiding behind Luffy in a cowardly manner. As you point at him he jumps and falls onto the floor, landing right on his flat ass】

Damn, he might be the biggest coward I've met in my life so far... And thats saying a lot...

Luffy: "Oh yeah! This is Koby! He may seem cowardly but he's gonna be a marine!"

【Luffy laughs his heart out while Koby looks at him butt hurt, yet quickly getting over it before looking kinda proud at what Luffy had said. You just give a slight nod, walking away in boredom】

"Okay, well I'm gonna do something useful for once and look for a boat. Don't know nor care about what you two do, but Luffy, please try not to kill poor Koby. I can barely keep up with you, so I doubt he could!"

【You say, giving them a menacing smile as you walk off towards wherever. Koby breaking out in deku tears from his cowardness】

Luffy: "Shishishi, you sure are a funny guy (Y/N)! Come on Koby, there's bound to be a boat somewhe-"

【Before luffy could finish, the ship rocks heavily. You all look over to see the navy  firing at the ship】

Wow, what amazing luck.. I better leave soon.. Oh, I should bring Luffy and Koby too I guess... Man this sucks, a coward and an imbecile wont last me a day...

Luffy: "Oh its the Navy! You can go join them now Koby!"

【He gives Koby a harsh slap on the back with his big stupid grin, making you sweatdrop. Wondering how someone can be so stupid and carefree】

"No, I doubt he could. He's on a pirate ship, they would most likely imprison him for all of eternity! Now we better hurry up or we'll be the ones they're after!"

Unwanted Rebirth 《One piece x male reader》 《boy x boy》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora