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???: "Well well, what do we have here? Trespassers visiting and feeding the infamous Roronoa Zoro?"

【A man with blonde hair, (and a ugly hairline) walks towards you three. A few marines behind him, and him twirling a pistol in his hand. Honestly you wanted to wipe that disgusting cocky grin off of his face】

"Yeah, so what? What's your elephant looking ass gonna do about it?"

I swear, if looks could kill I'd be dead over twice by how ugly he looks...

【He stared at you in shock, the marines, the girl, and even 'Zoro' shared the same expression as him. Their jaws dropped at what you had just said, until the blonde dude's face became even more wretchful with anger.】

???: "What the hell did you just call me!? Do you know who my father is! I'll have you killed for that!"

【You blinked once, then twice, before looking down at the little girl】

Damn, guess I found a 'dO yOu KnOw WhO mY dAd iS!?'. How annoying, guess karens were always a thing..

"Hey kid, do you know why 'daddys girl' is here? Pretty sure we didn't order scrawny chicken..."

【you whispered to her, yet loud enough for everyone else to hear. Not much of a whisperer huh? But when you said that 'Zoro' snickered a bit, before laughing loudly.】

Zoro: "Baha! You really have a deathwish kid, but I guess I do as well if I'm laughing! Man I'm sure we might've been good friends under different circumstances!"

【Zoro says with a wide grin, which would scare others but not you. You laughed along, and it seemed as if the marines weren't there at all!】


【yeah until they fucking shot you】

"Awh fuck man! Quienes en su sano juicio me dispararon, ¡juro que caerán quince pies bajo satanás!"

Bloody hell right in the damned knee! Fuuuuuuuck! Guess this is karma for calling him an elephant..

【You clutched your knee, as you barely stand up. You glare towards the direction the bullet came and see the blonde pointing a gun at you, body shaking from fear. Either from your glare or other language, they were completely terrified. Even Koby from the wall, Luffy just sweatdropped and debated going to drown himself incase you'd take your anger out on him.】

Zoro: "Dammit, what the hell! Get the fuck out of here now before your dead brat!"

【All of the humor from before had already faded with... Worry?? And you just rolled your eyes and looked down at the frightened and now crying little girl.】

"Ne, I'm alright Bun-Chan! Just a little hurt, but nothing that can't heal! So stop your crying before flowers grow from your tears!"

【You said with a smile and soft laugh, making her sniffle quietly before nodding. Wiping her tears away she gave you a big smile.】

Rika: "Heh, *sniff* m-my names Rika mister! N-not Bun-chan! Silly m-mister!"

【She sniffled out, hugging your side. Zoro, Luffy, Koby, and the marines looked at you with shock, While the blonde asshat just laughed.】

???: "How pathetic, you won't even fight back! What happened to all those words of yours, or do you finally see the position you're in?"

【He laughed, as he came up towards the three of you. 】

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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