Chapter 11- where is he?

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It had been half and hour now. Brad said he would only be a minute. where the hell was he?
I decided to go take a look upstairs. Everyone was fairly drunk in the living room and I didn't want to get pulled into it. I just wasn't in the mood. I ran up the stairs and turned a sharp corner and stubbing my toe on the way round the banister. I yelped in pain and I began to hop around like a mad woman, grimacing in pain. Once I had shaken it off, I limbed over to the first door on my left.
"BRAD?!" I shouted into the room, I strained my ears to hear any noise. No not a peep. I hobbled over to the next room, again I shouted Brads name. There was no reply. I was getting slightly worried now even though I kept on telling myself I was overreacting.
Stop being so stupid Autumn. He is probably thinking things over. It's not like you have feelings for him so get a move on girl.
I placed my fingers tips gently on the last and final bedroom of the house. It was mine and Jazzie's bedroom and boy if he was in here I would slap his arse so hard that he wouldn't know what hit him....
I strained my ears and I heard a noise coming from inside the room. Infuriated I turned the door handle so fast and hard it almost feel of and I barge into the room. Brad was sitting in the corner going through my special things. MY special things. "BRAD WTF IS WRING WITH YOU?! GET OUT NOWW. YOU LITTLE CREEP. OUT YOU LITTLE SON OF A BIT-" his hand grabbed my arm before my arm came lashing down on his face. "DONT TOUCH ME!!"
"I am so sorry autumn. I was just looking. I-" he said softly but scared. Good I want him to be scared.
A smirk came to my lips and j put my hands to my mouth before screaming, "HARRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!"
Brad eyes lit up in confusion and worry. "Autumn. No. What are you doing?! Stop. Now." He put his hands up as if to surrender. Pha he better do better than that.
"HARRRRRYYYY COME NOOOOOWWWWWW!!!" I heard the patter of feet bound up the stairs. I looked down at Brad who was sitting I the corner looking helpless. I winced as a pang of guilt came across me. It serves him right, for being so, so, ARHHHH just being so him. Harry flung the door open and was out of breath. He hugged me and when he noticed Brad in the corner he tensed up. He let go of the hug and took a step back. "What is he doing here?" He said coldly, he marched up to Brad and picked him up by the collar. WOW. Either Brad was unusually light or Harry worked out. I am going for he worked out.
"I don't know I walked into my room and Brad was there sitting in the corner going through MY things." Harry turned to look around my room, he hadn't of realised it was mine. He hadn't even noticed it was anyone's in particular. He snapped back into reality and he drew Brad closer to him. Brad started to whimper. "One thing mate. DONT go through my girlfriends things. Alright?" He let go of Brad, grabbed me by the hand and we walked of to the party. It was now time to really party.

Kisses and Chocolatesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن