Chapter 13

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"GUYS WAKE UP. JAZZIE ISNT HERE! HER BED LOOKS THE SAME FROM YESTERDAY MORNING AND I WAS SO DRUNK LAST NIGHT THAT I DIDNT REALISE THAT SHE COULD OF POSSIBLY LEFT!!!!" I was panicking so much. Shit. Where the f*ck was she? This wasn't like her to run of like this!? What type of a friend was I to let my best friend slip away like that
"WHAT?! WAIT A SECOND.... BRAD ISNT HERE TO! AND NEITHER OF THEM ARE PICKING THEIR PHONES UP!" Shouted Tristan over the banister. His hair flipping over his face.
A thought came into my head. A nasty one. What if Brad and Jazzie had run off TOGETHER. So they could be TOGETHER?! I shook my head and screamed:

"Darn. My phone has died. It has run out of charge." I found my phone back into my pocket and held Dylan's hand. I hadn't a clue where we were but all I knew was we were lost and I doubted Brad had gone this way.
"I don't have any signal and my phone is on 23% charge. Oh well at least I get to spend time with you." He squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. But harder. 😂

"Ok guys we don't want to go to drastic measures just yet. Connor go round to Dylan's house see if they are there. James and Tristan go check town. And I and Harry will stay here in case them come back. If one of you find them, phone either me or Harry. Or it?"
"Yes Sir!" Chorused the boys.
"Ok good now go go go go. We need to find Jazzie, Brad and maybe Dylan!"

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