Chapter 3: Proposal

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In the Capulet's manor, the Capulets were visited that morning by the esteemed Paris, the president's nephew and the heir to one of the largest corporations in the country. He showed up in a black Rolls Royce, accompanied by a driver and demanded that Mr or Mrs Capulet personally show him in, which they did. Juliet, the Capulet's only child, observed his grand entrance from her bedroom window and scoffed.

"What are you scoffing about, young madam?" her nanny asked as she entered the room.

"That Paris fellow is here again", she replied, "Why must he always make a scene whenever he comes?"

"Ah well. He is a spoilt fellow from a very powerful family, but he isn't all that bad", her nanny said as she collected Juliet's laundry.

"That's your opinion", Juliet huffed. She flopped back onto her bed and buried herself beneath her duvet. Her nanny put down her laundry basket and sat on Juliet's bed.

"Are you still upset about Rosaline leaving?"

"Yes. Not only am I losing my best friend but now my parents might decide to start home-schooling me again."

"You don't know that darling", her nanny said, pulling the duvet off Juliet's head, "There's no need to assume the worst."

"But you know how overprotective my dad is. And Mum always goes along with everything he says."

Her nurse knew that Juliet was probably right so she simply patted her head. "I'll try and talk to your dad then", her nanny said, reassuringly and got up to leave.

"Nanny, wait. Do you mind listening to my parents' and Paris' conversation?" Juliet asked, sitting up.

"You're using me as a spy!" her nanny laughed.

"It's not as if I haven't asked you to do me a favour like this before."

"Oh alright, I'll try my best. The things I do for you."

Juliet pressed her hands together and bowed towards her nanny as she left the room. Once she'd gone, Juliet decided to shower and change.


Meanwhile, Juliet's parents had brought Paris into their living room and had offered him tea. They spoke of the events which had occured last night and about the warning the mayor gave them.

"Ah well. He's just trying to appear authoritative now that the economy is taking a bit of a dive", Paris retorted, "My uncle's been doing the same but I wouldn't worry about it. But have you given some thought to my proposal?"

"Oh yes", Mr Capulet replied gruffly, "but I'm not sure if it is a good idea. Juliet is still a child and she's quite naive. I don't think that she's ready for marriage yet."

"I didn't ask to marry her right away. I only wish for us to be engaged until she is a bit older. And besides, sixteen is hardly a child."

"But she lacks experience Paris. Plus, her cousin is leaving the country next week and she's quite distraught about it. I don't wish to add more complications to her life."

"Oh, but maybe having a new companion will cheer her up", Mrs Capulet suggested, "Like Paris said, it's just an engagement, not a marriage. They can get to know each other in the meantime."

"Exactly", Paris piped. Mr Capulet was shocked that his wife had disagreed with him but he quickly recollected himself and said, "Very well. You have my permission to court my daughter but I won't agree to any engagements unless she is alright with it."

"Of course Sir", Paris nodded.

"We're throwing a masquerade ball tomorrow, as you know. You can use that as an opportunity to get to know her", Mrs Capulet proposed.

"Yes, I will", Paris responded, "But where is Juliet now? Why hasn't she joined us?"

"As I said, her cousin's approaching departure has made her quite upset. She doesn't really come down that often anymore", Mr Capulet explained.

"What a shame. I so did want to see her."

"There's no reason why you shouldn't", Mrs Capulet said, spotting Juliet's nanny, "Mildred, would you mind bringing Juliet down."

"Of course m'lady", she spluttered, relieved that she hadn't been caught eavesdropping on her employers and scurried upstairs to fetch Juliet.

Juliet was already dressed once the nanny came to her room so the nanny offered to help her with her hair. While she was doing that, she told Juliet everything she'd heard.

"What!? Paris wants to marry me!"

"Please keep your voice down Juliet", her nanny pleaded, "I wasn't supposed to hear that so you aren't supposed to know."

"Alright, sorry. But gosh, why would Paris want me?"

"He must be enthralled with your beauty. You are very pretty after all, you know."

Juliet blushed. Although she had been told that she was pretty several times, she was still very modest.

"Yes, but that's hardly a good enough reason to want to marry someone. We barely know each other. I mean, you don't see me swooning over Paris just because he's handsome."

"Oh but you did at first."

"That was before he decided to open his mouth. I've never met someone so pretentious in all my life."

"Well, that's your hair done", the nanny said. Juliet's dark, curly hair was now in double buns and a red bandana had been wrapped around her head, to match Juliet's red tartan skirt which she wore with a black turtleneck top. Juliet got up, pulled her nanny into a hug and thanked her. Her nanny assured her that it was no problem before leading her downstairs. Paris' eyes brightened once Juliet was presented to him and he stood up to kiss her hand.

"Good morning Juliet. You look magnificent", he remarked.

"Thank you." Juliet studied him as he turned to speak to her father. His blonde hair was in curtains and his clothes were spotless. He had on a white shirt, tan trousers and a navy cardigan was tied around his shoulders. Although it wasn't that sunny, he had a pair of sunglasses in his pocket. Probably for the aesthestic, Juliet thought.

"Juliet!" her mother called, "why are you still standing there? Let's go or else the breakfast will get cold."

"Oh. Sorry", Juliet mumbled and scuttled out of the room. On the way to the dining room, Paris walked beside her and asked why she'd been staring at him ealier.

"I didn't mean to", she answered.

"I see", Paris chuckled. He smiled at her before strutting to his seat. Juliet clenched her fists in embarassment and sat down to breakfast.

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