Chapter 6: Before The Ball

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When Ben and Romeo had gone to see Mercutio, he was at home trying on an outfit that he'd had tailored for the Capulet ball the following night. Upon discovering that Romeo had been invited and Ben was tagging along, Mercutio insisted that the three of them go shopping for outfits and after their shopping spree, they returned to Mercutio's house. By the evening, the three were eating pizzas while playing video-games in the living room.

"So Romeo, what's got you all down in the dumps?" Mercutio asked after a while.

"I got rejected."

"By Rosaline?"

"Who else could it be?"

"Geez. Does she not want to be friends anymore then?"

"She does but she's leaving next week."

"Leaving town?"

"She's leaving the country", Ben answered, "and she's going to a school in Switzerland."

"What?! And she didn't tell me?" Mercutio exclaimed, "I thought that we were closer than that."

"Ya'll were never that close", Romeo huffed. He slammed the gaming controller in his hand into the space next to him on the sofa while Mercutio stood up and started dancing.

"Haha, loser", Mercutio cackled, ruffling Romeo's hair. When he saw that Romeo's face remained unchanged, Mercutio kneeled down beside him and put his arm around his shoulders.

"Look Romeo, there's no need to be so upset. I mean, I know that Rosaline is hella fine but so are you. You'll find someone else in no time."

"But I don't want anyone else. I love her."

"Ugh", Mercutio groaned, "What do you know about love? It's just an illusion."

"It feels real to me."

"Um, sorry to interrupt but is it my turn yet?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, take it", Romeo said passing a controller to Ben, "I'm gonna go home."

Mercutio held Romeo by the shoulders as he got up to leave. "You know you're both welcome to stay."

"I know but I wouldn't want my mother to worry about me", Romeo said. He gently pulled away from Mercutio and picked up his shopping bags. "I'll see you two tomorrow."

"Wait!" Ben called, "Want me to come with you?"

"No, don't worry about it."

"Just go with him Ben", Mercutio whispered, "He clearly needs you more than I do."

"Alright, I'll see you then", Ben whispered back, patting Mercutio on the shoulder. He hastily gathered his shopping bags and chased after his cousin.


The following day, Romeo came down for breakfast with his family, to his parents' relief and delight.

"It's nice to see you again Romeo", his mother gushed, "How we've missed having you at the table."

"Yeah", Romeo mumbled. He glanced over at Luciana who was rolling her eyes.

"So, what were you crying about then?" Luciana asked.


"You sure?" Luciana said, pouting mockingly.

"Luciana, stop it", her father ordered.

"This is so unfair! How comes you always take Romeo's side?!" Luciana snapped.

"That's enough", her father yelled, slamming his fist onto the table, causing everyone to jump. His youngest daughter, Ophelia, dropped her slice of toast, leaving jam stains on her frilly white dress.

"Uh oh", she croaked. Her small hands covered her lips and her grey eyes glanced at her mother who'd gotten up to escort her out of the breakfast room. After they left, Romeo and Luciana's father cleared his throat and continued to eat in silence. The atmosphere at the table was heavy and remained that way even after Ophelia and her mother returned to the table.

"So", Joseph began, breaking the silence, "where are you headed off to this evening Romeo?"

"I'm hanging out with Ben and Mercutio. We're going to a party", he responded awkwardly.

"He's going to a fancy dress party", Ophelia piped, "I saw your costume in your room."

Romeo felt his blood rush to his head and his palms dampen. There was no telling what would happen if his father found out that he was attending a party hosted by the Capulets. "W-what were you doing in my room?" he stuttered.

"Just exploring. I have no one to play with anymore now that you're always sad." Ophelia twisted a strand of her straight brown hair around her finger in dismay.

"Well, I'll play with you some other time", Romeo said smiling at her. She smiled back and nodded.

"What's a big boy like you doing going to costume parties?" Luciana retorted.

"It was Mercutio's idea. You know how eccentric he is."

"He's funny. When is he coming to visit again?" Ophelia asked.

"I'll aks him when he's free."

"Is Mercutio hosting this party?" Luciana asked.

"No. Just someone he knows."


"Who hosted the yacht party that you went to that day you ski-"

"Nevermind", Luciana hissed.

"Skipped what?" both parents said.

"Nothing important. I've finished my breakfast so may I be excused?"

Her parents raised their eyebrows at one another but nodded. The fair skinned teen, whose ears and cheeks were now red, shot up and left the room so quickly that her permed bob billowed behind her.

Unlike the way breakfast went, the rest of the day ran rather smoothly. Everyone steered clear of Joseph, whose recent meeting with his brothers had left him in a sour mood, Luciana hadn't further interrogated Romeo and Mercutio had come to visit with Ben in the afternoon. The three boys relaxed in the swimming pool and tanned in the sun until Ophelia had coerced them into playing hide and seek with her which somehow escalated into a water fight. Once the evening rolled around, the boys dressed up in their costumes, and drove off to the ball.

The Capulet manor had been decorated to perfection. Ben and Romeo both stared in awe as Mercutio drove them through the gates. The large fountain in the middle of the yard sprayed neon coloured water, a red carpet with the Capulet emblem on it had been rolled out on the steps and the stone stair railings were adorned with fairy lights. Valets and security guards stood at the door, which had been decorated with a arch made of LED balloons, welcoming the guests. The boys waited behind a queue of limos and luxury cars until it was finally their turn to be admitted.

"Damn. These Capulets know how to throw a party don't they?" Ben remarked.

"Yep", Mercutio agreed, "It's only the beginning though."

He stepped out of the car, handed his keys to the valet and led his friends into the manor.

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