Chapter 7: Meeting

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Juliet stood in front of her mirror, admiring her dress. Although the ball had begun and she should ideally be downstairs welcoming and mingling with the guests, she'd decided to wait for Rosaline. She and her cousin were in hot water with her father after yesterday's escapade which had resulted in a long lecture and Juliet getting grounded. Her punishment meant little to her since she barely went out anyway and would have less of a reason to be out after Rosaline had gone but the fear of being withdrawn from school still weighed on her mind.

"Knock knock", a familiar voice chirped. Juliet swivelled around and saw Rosaline poking her head round the door. Her hair was in an elegant French twist updo and a curled side fringe swept down her face. Her dress was the same as Juliet's but she wore elbow length fishnet gloves with rhinestones on them and a similar mask to Juliet's.

"Rosie!" Juliet cried and ran to hug her, "You look fabulous!"

"So do you", Rosaline replied, patting Juliet's halo braid. She stuck her arm out, offering it to Juliet and said, "I believe we have a ball to attend."

"Yes, I believe we do", Juliet laughed, linking her cousin's arm. The two of them went down to the second floor and stood at a railing which overlooked the foyer.

"Your parents really outdid themselves", Rosaline said, glancing around the room.

"Yeah, they did", Juliet agreed, "but who are you looking for?"

"I'm just scouting the room for a friend."

"You have lots of friends. Who in particular?"

"You wouldn't know him."

"What does that mean?"

Rosaline's eyes darted towards the entrance which Juliet guessed meant that she'd found who she was looking for. Three teenage boys entered, one of whom Juliet recognised as Mercutio, a friend of the family. He was dressed in a navy blazer with gold buttons, a matching navy pirate hat which had an enormous white feather on it, a black waistcoat with a white jabot tie, white trousers and black knee high boots. His mask was navy and gold like his hat and blazer.

"Trust Mercutio to come in dressed like that", Rosaline giggled.

"Who are those other two?"

The boy on Mercutio's right wore a navy tailcoat, a white shirt and bow tie, tan coloured trousers and black knee high boots while the one of his left was dressed as the Phantom of the Opera. The one on the right had dark, spiky hair and an average build while the one on the left looked breathtaking. He was tall, broad shouldered, and had a stunningly handsome face that made everyone's head turn. Rosaline smiled when she saw the look on her cousin's face.

"Come, I'll introduce you", she said. The trio were already surrounded by admirers by the time Rosaline and Juliet had reached them. Although they spoke to Mercutio, most of them were more interested in (and practically drooling over) his good looking friend. When Mercutio noticed her, Rosaline nodded towards a less crowded corridor. Mercutio nodded back before watching her lead Juliet through the corridor and away from them.

"Where are we going? I thought you were introducing me to them", Juliet asked.

"I am. But just in a less crowded place."

A couple of minutes later, the boys reappeared.

"Alright Rosie?" Mercutio said, pulling her into a hug, "You both look stunning tonight."

"Thanks", Rosaline replied, "So do you guys."

"Juliet, this is Ben and he's Romeo", Mercutio said.

"Hey", both boys said.

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