Chapter 5: Field Trip (Part 2)

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"So, where are we going now?" Minho asked as the four of you exited the building.

"Well, first we're going to the bookstore. I was hoping to pick up something to read now that I have the time. If the three of you see something you like, though, I'm happy to get it for you."

The bookstore was right across the street from your publishing company, so it wasn't a far walk. The truth was, a lot of the shopping that you had planned today revolved around the three hybrids following close behind you, and while part of you was disappointed that certain aspects of your shopping list wouldn't be a surprise, you couldn't help feeling relieved that they were there to help you pick out some of the things you had in mind. That way, you could guarantee that they would like it.

You pushed open the heavy front door to the bookstore and told the boys that they were free to split up and look wherever they wanted, since it would take you some time to find what you were looking for. Chan didn't seem too fond of this idea, but where you assumed that he would follow Felix and Minho, he ended up staying with you. Was it because the other two were sticking together while you were on your own, or as the youngest of the pack were you considered the weakest? You weren't sure why, but you didn't mind him staying with you, so you didn't worry about it too much.

"Any preferences bookwise, Chan?" You asked.

Chan, who had been looking frantically around the store for any threats, jerked his head towards you at the sound of your voice. "Wh-What? Oh, ah... No, not really. I don't read very much."

You nodded in understanding, turning to focus on the shelves in front of you. After realizing that the store was peaceful and quiet, Chan seemed to calm down a bit, though he stayed alert. While he was focusing on the area around you, you sifted through the various books. Eventually, you found the Dystopian section of the store, and from there it didn't take you long to find something that you liked. Once you decided on a book, you went to look for the other two hybrids, Chan following close behind.

You were surprised to find them in the learning section of the store, but when you saw the book in Felix's hands, you realized why. "Korean for Beginners" - of course he would pick something like that. You smiled, glad to see that he was interested in learning the language. When he asked you for it, you of course told him yes, helping him pick out a few more books to aid him in learning before going to pay for his, Minho's (he had found something by an author he liked), your books at the counter. Afterwards, you exited the shop and made your way up the street to your next stop, one that you were glad to have Chan and Felix there for.

"So listen, boys, I'm glad you're here, because you can help me pick this out. I was going to buy you both one of these, but I wasn't too sure what you would like."

"A... phone?" Felix said as he stared at the front of the shop in surprise.

"I'm not out of the house very often, since most of my work can be done at home, but I do have days like today where I need to leave for meetings and such. I would like to be able to contact the two of you somehow, in case something were to happen, so I thought it'd be best to get you each a phone."

"Th-Thank you!" Felix said, clearly excited.

"What about me, are you gonna buy me a phone?" Minho asked jokingly.

"First of all, you already have one, and second, if I were to let you pick, you'd buy the most expensive thing in the store, and then I'd go bankrupt for having to pay all three phones off. So no, you don't get one."

Minho laughed, before leading Felix into the shop and showing him how to use the devices on display to help him choose one. You took Chan over to some of the other phones and helped him decide. They ended up both choosing iPhones - Felix because he liked them and Chan more so because he was following Felix's lead. By the time you were done setting the two of them up with everything they would need, it was getting closer to lunchtime, and so you decided to take the boys out to eat.

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