Chapter 8:ATEEZ rescue facility

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You sighed as you sat back in your seat to stare up at the ceiling, folding your arms behind your head and thinking back on all that had happened to you recently.

It had been two weeks since the incident with Minho. After he'd come knocking on your door at two in the morning cradling a gash on his left forearm, you'd taken him to see a doctor who specialized in hybrids and had the wound stitched up. Naturally, bringing in a hybrid who wasn't your own with a wound such as his had lead to some questions, but when you weren't able to get in contact with Minho's owner to get his approval for the procedure, the doctor had decided to go forward with it anyways. There was the risk of being sued for operating on someone else's hybrid without their permission, as hybrids were considered to be property in the eyes of the law, but your neighbor payed so little attention to Minho that you had doubted he would even notice the wound, and that aside if he were to notice it, it was unlikely that he would care. The doctor, upon hearing your explanation for Minho's situation and your description of his owner, had decided that he was willing to take the risk for Minho's sake, and for that, you were grateful.

As was to be expected from your irresponsible neighbor, he’d called you back the day after your visit to the hybrid rescue's medical wing. You were shocked to find out that he had been in Tokyo, supposedly on vacation. He, apparently, was looking to move out of the country, and so he'd gone to visit Japan's capital city in search of potential new homes. Furious that he hadn't bothered to inform Minho of this, you'd called him out on it and asked him what he had planned on doing with Minho upon moving.

"Yeah, I actually meant to call you about that! I bought him some collars a while back so that he could avoid hybrid control and live on the streets - you know, like he used to? But then I got to thinking, maybe he'd prefer staying with you. Y'all like each other a lot and he spends most of his time at your apartment anyways. He's practically yours already. So I was wondering if you'd be interested in taking him? You don't have to if you don't want to, I'll just give him to the shelter or let him live as a stray, but he's starting to bore me, to be honest. I'm more of a dog person anyways. But hey, one man's trash is another man's treasure, right?"

And then you'd hung up on him.

A few days later, you'd gone to the shelter that you had adopted Chan and Felix from and had filled out the necessary paperwork to transfer ownership of Minho from your neighbor to yourself. He had already set it up for you to do so, which was convenient as it meant that you wouldn't have to talk to him and ask for his approval (you were pretty pissed off). Afterwards, you'd gone to the rescue that had helped Minho with his stitches and registered your three hybrids there so that they would have a primary doctor for whenever they might need to visit. You'd had to set them up with appointments to officially establish them as patients there, letting the same doctor do a general wellness check on them to make sure that they were all healthy. You hadn't actually taken any of them to any kind of doctor before, so you were relieved to find out that none of them were unhealthy in any way the day that the appointment had taken place.

However, the doctor they had been set up with, Doctor Jeong Yunho, had suggested that you have Chan meet one of the psychologists of their mental health wing. You weren't surprised to hear him say this, as the owner of the rescue, whom you had met several weeks before, had given you the same advice. You'd scheduled him for an assessment with one of the counselors there (after discussing it with him and having him agree to do so), and afterwards you had taken the three out to run off some steam at the nearby park they all loved going to. Chan, especially, being a wolf hybrid with stronger instincts, loved the outdoors, so you figured it would do them some good to relieve their stress and enjoy themselves.

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