Chapter 9: A small mistake

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You dug through the cabinets above your kitchen counter, looking to see what ingredients you had and trying to determine what you could make with it. You'd taken Chan to his first appointment with his psychologist earlier that day, so you hadn't made your hybrids anything for lunch, meaning they'd eaten either leftovers or microwave meals. You were hoping to be able to make them a fresh dinner because of this, knowing it was healthier for hybrids especially, but it appeared that you didn't have much to work with.

With a sigh, you shut the cabinet and leaned back on the island behind you, mulling over what you'd found in the fridge and cabinets. There wasn't much for you to choose from. You could make fried rice, although you didn't have any kimchi to go with it. Actually, you didn't have much else at all other than the rice itself. The grocery store was a bit of a walk from your apartment complex, and it was getting dark so you weren't sure if you really wanted to make the trip there and back. Maybe one of the boys would go with you? If not, you could always order takeout and have it delivered.

You glanced over at the living room couch to find it empty, which was odd at this time in the evening. Usually, all three of your hybrids would have been hanging out in the open with you, but they'd stayed cooped up in their bedroom ever since you'd gotten home earlier that same day. They'd all given you strange looks before shunning you from their hiding place in the other room, whispering to each other under their breaths. You had no idea what was going through their heads, but your apartment had been eerily quiet all day and it was starting to make you uncomfortable.

Shrugging, you decided to go knock on their door and see what their opinions were on dinner tonight.

Their voices from inside their room had fallen silent before you'd even had the chance to knock, having heard your footsteps down the hallway. "Come in!" Chan responded politely, though when you opened the door both he and the other two hybrids were looking at you as if you were diseased.

"Um..." You felt your resolution dissolve under their stares. "I was thinking, for dinner, would you guys prefer takeout or would you like me to cook something? We don't have a lot in the fridge, so I might have to go get some groceries from the store if - anyone... wants to come with me?" Your voice became smaller as you rambled on, glancing between the three and getting an especially hostile look from Minho.

The three looked at each other, all sat near one another on the bed. They seemed to be having a silent argument with their eyes, and it almost seemed as if they were trying to convince the other to go with you.

Like they themselves didn't want to go with you.

You felt your heart drop at their reactions, a wave of sadness and hurt washing over you as you looked down at your feet. You didn't notice it, but all three hybrids sensed this shift in your mood and turned their heads to look at you; you were just too focused on the floor beneath you to see them. "I'll - uh- I'll just go alone, then." You shut the door and hurried down the hall to slip into a different, warmer outfit, stopping by the door to put on your shoes only to catch sight of Chan coming to stand next to you and put on shoes of his own.

Surprised at his appearance, you stared at him in confusion, catching his eye and causing him to smile awkwardly at you. "I'll go with you," he said.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I understand."

"No, it's - " he paused, as if doubting his own reasoning. "It's dangerous to go alone."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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