Diets don't work but this does

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When was the last time a diet worked for you?
WRONG- trick question
But Jaclyn, I lost 20 pounds 5 years ago using " x" diet.
Ya that may be true. But if the diet worked you would not have regained that. Diets are a scam. Ok hear me out. Please stay and keep reading.
If diets worked you'd never have to diet again. If diets worked you wouldn't have a terrible relationship with food. If diets worked your weight would be consistent and not yo-yo like it has for your entire life. Up down up down. Happy , not happy, happy, not happy.

It's time to stop measuring worth and happiness on a number. It's time to UPLEVEL your life for good. No more diets but an uplevel. Let's lose weight the sustainable way. So we never have to diet again.
Upleveling is not a quick fix but it is a forever fix and the first thing you need to do is throw away that scale.
Why uplevel instead of a diet? Well because for one this ebook is free and for seconds because uplevel meets you where you are at. It's all about upleveling yourself. Doing better than yesterday and making small changes one by one until you have a good relationship with food, self confidence and your body and maybe even in a smaller body.
Everyone has a set point weight. It's based on genetics mostly. Your set point weight can fluctuate 10 pounds up and down throughout the year but it's the weight where your genetics and upleveled habits are comfortable where it's effortless to stay. Yup I said effortless. It takes time to get there but when you do, you're there.

So tell me, did you throw away your scale? Please take some time now to throw it away or even better destroy it, throw it against the ground, hit it with a hammer. Not there yet? That's ok too. I'll ask you to do it again later in the next chapter.

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