Erin Thompson

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Full Name: Erin Alice Thompson (Yes, his middle name is Alice, don't mention it though, it makes him mad)

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Birth Date: February 14th

Birth Place: Melbourne, Australia

Currently Living In: Queens, NY

Species: Inhuman/Mutant

Astrology Sign: Aquarius



Erin came from a fairly abusive family, being unable to really control his powers due to his parents punishing him for anytime he tried to use them. When he was around 17 he started making an escape plan so he could live on his own when he was 18. And he was able to leave a few days after his 18th birthday. However, after a couple weeks he was reported and arrested for violating the Sokovia Accords (He never registered himself for being a mutant and having abilities) During this time in custody, he met another man who had also been unfairly caught by the United Nations. They decided to escape together and work with each other to survive. Once they were free they met Elliot who convinced them to join the Empire. 

The Empire didn't end up lasting long and he joined another group in order to maintain his protection. Now, he is nothing more than a glorified assistant doing tasks and crimes for the boss of the villain group. He's willing to do whatever to keep the boss of the group happy, as he knows that without him, he'd likely be back in jail again.




Height: 6'3"

Weight: 200 lbs

Hair length: His hair is fairly short, it's also pretty fluffy

Hair color: It's golden brown, sometimes he dyes the tips of it green

Eye color: his eyes are white


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Accent: He has a very prominent Australian accent

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Accent: He has a very prominent Australian accent

Foot size: He wears a men size 13

Unique Features: His fingers are silver due to his mutation




Social Class: He's looked down upon since becoming a villain

Occupation: He's a member of the Empire

Income: He's surprisingly wealthy but that's due to being a member of the Empire

Residence:Once again, he lives in the Empire base




Favorite Food(s): He loves baked goods (one of the ways to get into his heart is through his stomach lol) His favorite probably has to be cookies

Favorite Sport(s): Soccer

Favorite Music: He typically listens to pop punk

Favorite Color(s): Probably green

Clothing Style / Preferences: He normally wears a random T-shirt with ripped black skinny jeans and high top converse (He wears two different color converse, either one yellow and one green or one black and one white)

Role Model(s): He used to look up to Tony Stark, but after the accords, he doesn't anymore.

Likes: He loves frogs, as well as using his powers and CDs

Dislikes: He can't stand his family: any mention of them sends him on a long rant, he also hates board games and bland food




Personality: Erin is a bit clueless at times, he's pretty snarky and comes up with random jokes at times. Underneath this there is a reckless and someone who tends to be a bit aggressive at times. He also tends to get embarrassed fairly easily.

Abilities: He has the power of magnetokinesis, meaning he can manipulate the magnetism of something, as well as manipulate metal in general. The limits of it depend on his emotional state, when he's a lot more distressed he can manipulate bigger pieces of metal. (His powers can be best described as Polaris' powers from the gifted)

Weaknesses: He can't control his powers too well, they're greatly impacted by his emotions. His hearing is extremely sensitive due to his mutation.

Habits / Idiosyncrasies / Quirks: He has pretty bad body dysmorphia

Phobia / Fears: He's afraid of being recaptured

Crush: He has a massive crush on Kate Bishop (This feeling isn't reciprocated tho)

Theme Song: Brick By Brick- Junior




Hero/Villain: Villain

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Alias: Chrome

Fun Facts: He has a hamster named Swiss

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