Lexis Star

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Character Bio Template




Full Name: Alexander "Lexis" Star

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birth Date: 05/27

Birth Place: Unknown

Currently Living In: Queens, NY

Species: Inhuman



Lexis was born and raised by two villains. There wasn't much love in his house as they only got together in order to have a child for their abilities. As a result, they only really treated him as a weapon, training him to use his powers and become an unstoppable force. However, he never really got a grasp of his abilities. They only became harder on him with training, eventually he got the hang of it. His parents ended up getting arrested for their many crimes and he was carted off to live with some relatives that barely wanted to take care of him. With this, he decided to try to hide his power, learning to hide his emotions so he didn't end up mind controlling anyone. Once he was grown up enough, he finally moved out and started living on his own, where he started to slip into more villain tendencies




Height: 6'2"

Weight: 210 lbs

Hair length: His hair is fairly short with a couple strands that often get in his face

Hair color: Black

Eye color: His eyes are grey that glow silver when his powers are activated

Unique Features: He's supposed to wear glasses but he doesn't




Social Class: He's a bit lower class

Occupation: He works as a villain for hire

Income: He's a bit broke, but he gets things from stealing/other crimes

Residence: He lives in an apartment with like 5 other people




Favorite Food(s): He loves poutine

Favorite Sport(s): He's a football and hockey fan

Favorite Color(s): Black and Green

Clothing Style / Preferences: He typically dresses a bit formal at times, with his go-to is a white t-shirt, black pants, black boots, a belt and a small silver chain with a leather jacket

Likes: Getting what he wants, horror movies, exploring abandoned buildings

Dislikes: Using his powers, loud music, sour candy




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