Liam Edith

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Name: Liam Edith

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Birthday: October 28th

Species: Inhuman

Height: 5'11"

Weight: His weight can't really be measured due to his mutation

OC's Appearance

Body Type: He's fairly muscular

Skin Color(s): He is fairly pale

Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde

Hairstyle: His hair is fairly short and curly, it's also a bit fluffy that typically gets in his eyes

Eye Color: his eyes are a bright yellow color that can glow

Unique Feature(s): he has white freckles all over his body and face. He has a bit of stubble on his face, when he cries his tears are a gold color

OC's Clothing Style

Normal Clothes: He typically dresses in a black t-shirt, acid washed jeans, a pair of orange nikes and a silver jacket. He has to wear these silver colored cuffs on his ankles due to his powers to keep him weighed down

OC's Personality

Social: He's definitely not anti-social, but compared to other people he has a habit of going quiet

Bravery: He is fairly brave

Rebellious: This goodie two shoes is the definition of a rule follower

Tidy: He tries to be as clean as possible

Daredevil: It really depends on the situation

Bookworm: He does still read sometimes

Personality: Liam could be described as quite the perfectionist, he's always trying to make sure that things go perfect, he's also extremely loyal, especially to his family. He thinks his siblings can be annoying but only he can say that. He can also be described as a goody-two shoes at times. This can lead to people thinking that he's a bit annoying and even a bit arrogant at times.

OC's Likes/Dislikes

Favorite Food: Cheese omelet with bacon, hash browns and toast (He loves breakfast food)

Favorite Drink: Orange Soda

Favorite Movies: He loves horror movies.

Favorite Music: Surprisingly despite his look, he actually loves rock bands like Sleeping With Sirens

Favorite TV Show: He's got an interest in those reality shows

Favorite Holiday: Halloween

Favorite Season: Fall

Favorite Color: Green

OC's Personal Life

Occupation/Job: He currently works as a intern for SHIELD

Education: He's working on getting his masters degree in business. He's in his last year of his degree.

Family: He never knew his father, his mother gave him up when he was a newborn, he was adopted by another family when he was a baby where he is now the oldest with 4 brothers and 1 sister.

Crush: Open

History: Liam was born to a couple that wasn't ready to have kids yet. His father soon walked out on them when he was still only a couple of months old. Not being able to handle being a single mother, his mother let him go, abandoning him. He was adopted rather quickly when he was still less than a year old. His powers manifested at around age 5 which was surprising to his parents but they soon figured it out, also as time went on his parents adopted more kids making him the oldest. When he was older he decided to go to college and started working on becoming a professional hero, eventually getting the opportunity to work for SHIELD

Obsessions: He collects Nike sneakers.

Fears: He's afraid of spiders

OC's Abilities

Power/Skills: He has the power of light manipulation, he's able to make any part of his body glow. He can also make beams of light that if he tries really hard, he can make into powerful lasers. He is also capable of floating due to being weightless.

Weaknesses: His floating powers are always activated meaning he has to do things to keep himself on the ground so he doesn't float away. His hands get burned when he uses his power to make beams of light. He has limited control of his glowing if he's distressed. Even with the cuffs on, he seems to be really light, which makes it easier to be thrown around and grabbed.

Equipment: He wears a pair of cuffs meant to weigh him down

Alias: Hero

Name: Firefly

Costume: He wears a pair of orange creamsicle colored tights with white boots and a reflective silver jacket.

(This isn't really a faceclaim, but this is what I imagine he looks like in a cartoony style)

(This isn't really a faceclaim, but this is what I imagine he looks like in a cartoony style)

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