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In the glass cage Caesar was sitting alone next door to Taylor who was in between him and hades, river and max.

He looks to Taylor who was sitting looking at the floor. He knew he was worried about her. He gently knocked to get her attention.

She slowly crawled to him and leaned on the window near him.

"You okay?" Caesar asked softly.

Taylor nods frowning "I'm sorry" she apologized.

"For what?" He asked.

"Dragging you and them into this. I knew it would endanger you and the others it would have been better if I went alone" she frowns.

Caesar shakes his head "this adventure has been an amazing experience... if I never went with you. I would have never learn thing about humans or you. And I wouldn't have...feeling that I never had before. You made me..." he didn't know the words to say.

Taylor understood what he was gonna say she puts her hand on the glass "I know what you mean" she wispered. As Caesar puts his hand on the glass we're Taylor's hand is. As they looked at each other And smiled.

"Uh..." they looked to see max's face full of confusion "is there something going on with you two? This is strange... but if you like each other but that's cool If you don't want to talk about it." He puts his hands up. "Not judging."

Taylor looks on the floor and saw a card key and picked it up looked to see one ape gaurd there.

She see a a place for the key to swim but she knew her arms couldn't reach so she found a stick and tied it up with things she could find to help the key  then she reached the key out.

The key turns green making the door open. Despite how loud the door clicks into Taylor's surprise the ape didn't hear it.

She sneaks behind the ape and grabs it covering its mouth so it doesn't scream then knocked it out unconscious. Then went to to open the cells to get the group out.

They gather around the unconscious ape. "Is he.. dead?" Caesar asked.

"He's unconscious for now.. we need a way out without being seen"

"Try the roof" max said "intact I know of one."

"Let's go"

They quickly and quietly try to escape with Taylor holding a gun leading it she tells the. When to come and go. They try to not get caught by apes. Until they head to the roof.

Taylor goes firs making sure the coast is clear she goes up and as did the other behind her.

"Now what?" Hades asked.

"We need a way out of here I'm afraid we'll be caught running from the ground" river sign.

"Is there another way?" Caesar asked.

"What about the yacht harbour?" Taylor suggested "apes can't drive boats.

"That's a good idea" max said "there's one nearby".

Path of the planet of the apesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora