Something Important

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"Why were you worried about me being lost?" Lancer said as he walked down the town. (AKA Krisville) "If you were gone, I'd die." Kris said this, but it was really the author speaking through him.

Noelle followed Kris into the cafe, but she had something on her mind. "Hey, Ralsei, what clown were you talking about?" Ralsei turned to her, confused at what she meant. "Clown? What clown? And thanks for remembering my name." "Oh, forget it."

Kris ordered some hot cocoa (as he loves chocolate) and Susie ordered moss. The Swatch working there reluctantly gave it to her, but he kept a good attitude. Ralsei ordered cake, Berdly ordered "gamer juice." Nobody understood him. The worker just gave him apple juice. Noelle ordered a blue raspberry slushie.

"I call this day a success," Susie announced. "We didn't do a single thing," Kris replied in a dull manner. "Party pooper," Susie mumbled to herself.

Lancer was doing literally nothing, when he remembered something. "Hey, blue person?" He said, tugging on Kris's scarf. "I didn't see any items in your pocket when you came back."
Kris was shocked so badly by this his eye could be seen. "Guys, we have some business to deal with." He walked out of the cafe.

"What's His Problem?" Queen asked Susie.

"I have no clue," she replied.

Stay tuned for part 5!

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