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[System; Green Bunny is Online]

Green Bunny -
Again, Hypothetically, if I were to commit like... vigilantism... what would you do?

Green Bunny -
Oh, this isn't a private chat, shit

Explosion Bunny -
I'll tell Auntie you swore!

Green Bunny -
You swear all the time!

Explosion Bunny -
And? They expect it from me

Green Bunny -
Proximity Exposure

Explosion Bunny -

Erasure -
No Vigilantism

Green Bunny -
Why not! The heroes aren't doing their jobs!

Erasure -
What happened?

Explosion Bunny -
Nothing! NOthing at all! Nope! No!

Green Bunny -
Kacchan and I were pulled into a villain attack... ish...

Erasure -
What? When? Where?

Erasure -
Explain now.

Green Bunny -
Okay, so!

Explosion Bunny -
This isn't going to end well

Green Bunny -
Hush Kacchan

Erasure -
That doesn't sound promising

Green Bunny -
I was walking home from school, and Kacchan had to go to the store for Auntie, and so that left me alone, and I was walking under an underpass, and the Sludge Villain rose up from the manhole and began trying to suffocate me.

Erasure -
Did you fight back?

Explosion Bunny -
Nerd probably jumped really higher and hit his head, he wouldn't be able to fight back then. He falls into his instincts.

Green Bunny -
Actually! I did manage to fight back a bit, stabbed the villain in the eye! But I was beginning to black out, and then All Might appeared and punched the villain, who still was wrapped around me, and I went flying and hit my head against the side of the underpass.

Explosion Bunny -
Hold up, you left that part out, dammit!

Green Bunny -
And then he kept slapping me until I woke up, and then said he already signed my notebook, which was for analyzing things dammit! And then I had a question and accidentally grabbed a hold of him and we landed on a rooftop after he tried getting me to let go mid air and then I learned like, a national secret, and I asked if I could be a hero

Explosion Bunny -
Fucking Bastard

Erasure -
That doesn't sound good

Green Bunny -
And he told me I couldn't, and it was okay to dream but make sure it was realistic, and then left me on the rooftop. Earlier that day, someone at school suicide baited me too

Explosion Bunny -
Give me fucking names, I'll fucking kill them

Erasure -
He what?!?

Green Bunny -
Kacchan, no! Erasure it's fine!

Erasure -
I'm assuming this isn't all?

Green Bunny -
Well, I got down from the rooftop and I began walking home when an explosion sounded and I went to check it out and Kacchan was in the grasp of the villain trying to fight back and the fucking heroes were just standing around doing nothing!

Explosion Bunny -
I'm really good at holding my breath, it helps regulate my breathing after running

Erasure -
Explosion Bunny, that's not good nor healthy for you.

Explosion Bunny -
Anyways, Nerd

Green Bunny -
We met eyes, and I could see the fear, don't fucking deny it Kacchan!

Explosion Bunny -
Fucking nerd

Green Bunny -
And then I ran out there and threw my bag and hit the villain in the eye and grabbed Kacchan, trying to bounce my way out of the situation

Explosion Bunny -
His head was also absolutely killing him, because he hates flying, hates being picked up, hates his analysis journal's being touched, and hates when I'm in danger. I could see he also had a concussion, other pretty mild compared to what it could or should have been, his nose was bleeding too.

Green Bunny -
I was fine!

Erasure -
I'll work with self esteem later, continue

Green Bunny -
Well, I managed to pull Kacchan free, and then grabbed my bag and we began running away and it was going to chase us, so I held back a bit and let myself get grabbed because I knew that I would be fine

Explosion Bunny -
You would not have!

Green Bunny -
Well then Kacchan let an explosion off near the villain's eyes and I escaped again and grabbed Kacchan and jumped super high! We landed on a nearby rooftop and then the heroes acted and apprehended the villain.

Explosion Bunny -
He then jumped us down, and we got checked over by the ambulance there, but they were all focused on me, and almost completely ignored the nerd. Kept saying something about how they weren't a vet, and therefore didn't need to see him or something, and I got praised for holding out so long and doing so well, and then Green got scolded for 'getting in the way', as if they weren't doing nothing.

Erasure -
Names of the heroes and employees please?

Green Bunny -
I feel safer for them if we didn't

Erasure -

Explosion Bunny -
Backdraft, Kamui Woods, Death Arms, Mount Lady, and technically All Might, and I didn't get the names of the ambulance people, was getting swarmed by reporters almost the entire time. But they worked at the local hospital that had been nearby.

Erasure -
Thank you, Be back soon

[System; Erasure is Offline]

Green Bunny -
Kacchan I was fine! I am fine!

Explosion Bunny -
You were grinding your teeth pretty loudly

Green Bunny -

Green Bunny -
I am not sick!

Explosion Bunny -

Explosion Bunny -
Want me to come over?

Green Bunny -Please.

[System; Explosion Bunny is Offline]

[System; Green Bunny is Offline]

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