5 0 0

[System; You have a new message]

xxx-xxx-xxxx -
Is this the famous Green Bunny?

xxx-xxx-xxxx -
Depends on who's asking.

xxx-xxx-xxxx -
That would be Mirko

xxx-xxx-xxxx -
Then yes it would be.

xxx-xxx-xxxx -
May I ask why you're looking for me?

xxx-xxx-xxxx -

xxx-xxx-xxxx -

xxx-xxx-xxxx -
Say no more

[System; xxx-xxx-xxxx has changed their name to 'Baby Bunny']

[System; Baby Bunny has changed xxx-xxx-xxxx to 'Tiger Bunny']

Tiger Bunny -
Really? Tiger Bunny?

Baby Bunny -
What, they are cute, fluffy and adorable.

Baby Bunny -
I know nothing of their personality, but oh well

Tiger Bunny -

Tiger Bunny -
It sounds badass enough... fine.

Baby Bunny -

*** *** ***

Green Bunny -Mirko? You gave my number to Mirko!?!?!

Explosion Bunny -
Wait what? Hold up!

Erasure -
I did... She already messaged you?

Green Bunny -
Yeah... I'm freaking out a little bit

Explosion Bunny -
On my way,

Green Bunny -
Thanks Kacchan

[System; Explosion Bunny is Offline]

Erasure -
So... what's this all about?

Green Bunny -
Mirko has been my favorite hero since I was like... nine, and I have a lot of her merch and-and it's... A little overwhelming.

Erasure -
Just breathe kid,

Erasure -
The moment she heard you were also a Bunny she wanted to see a picture, but you two are strict with online safety... mainly...

Erasure -
But she is digging around to find a picture of you.

Green Bunny -
Hey, Explosion here, the damn nerd passed out.

Erasure -
Is he okay????

Green Bunny -
Yeah, processing overload, He'll be back in like an hour.

Erasure -
Okay then, I'm gonna let Mirko know so she doesn't freak out when he's not answering her.

Green Bunny -
Roger that.

[System; Green Bunny is Offline]

[System; Erasure is Offline]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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