Gas and Tic Tacs

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The word of the day is nothing. I see nothing for miles, I feel nothing on the inside, and there's nothing to be heard in the car except for the soft hum of a random radio station.

My name is Dakota Scarlett Tatum.
I am 17 years old.
My birthday is May 28, 1997.
I have brown hair like my father, blue eyes and pale skin like my mother...

...With that, my brain becomes void of any other thoughts. I don't like to think about my family, they are a sensitive topic. I left my parents, two older brothers, and younger sister a while back. You may be thinking, "Why leave them if it's this hard for you to even think of them?" Well, the answer isn't simple, quite the opposite actually. You'll hear about it in due time.

It's ridiculously hot outside but what should I've expected considering I'm from Washington and currently in Alabama. I look down to check my speed to find I'm going 43 miles over the speed limit and the gas light is on. I slow down and by the grace of God, just as I start to worry that all my gas is diminished, I see a sign in the distance reading "GAS" making me jump for joy. I pull off the old cracking road and park in front of the first pump I see.

As I step out of the air conditioned, beat up Kia, I swear I see flashes of my imminent death because of how hot it is. I make my way towards the doors of the rickety old store to pay for my gas and pick up a few snacks to eat. When I step foot through the threshold I'm pleasantly surprised with a fan blowing directly at me.

I look around to get an idea where the snacks are and luckily they are right in front of the beer bellied, greasy, balding, middle-aged man who I'm assuming is the cashier... ew. I slowly make my way over there only to receive a rotting smile and smelly breath in my face. I tried to give the man a polite smile which probably turned out to be a grimace.

I immediately zero in on the Oreos and mint flavored Tic Tacs. Grabbing one of each I sit them on the counter and pull out my cash. "Find everything you need cutie?" I decide it's best if I make my self less memorable in case anyone comes looking for me and just give the man a curt nod and ask for $25 on pump 1. For good measure I also open up the Tic Tac container and tap one directly in front of him on the counter. Hopefully he'll take the hint.

When I walk outside I promptly feel a sweat on my brow and hurriedly start to pump the gas and throw my purchases in the passenger Approximately three-ish minutes later my gas tank is full again and I'm out on the open road.

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