Author's Note 1

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I absolutely can not stand it when I read a story and there are author's notes every other chapter. Like, da fuq?

Therefore, I solemnly swear not to post author's notes when they are not needed. The purpose of this author's note is to say what I just said AND to ask what y'all think of the first chapter of my first story.

I would appreciate it if you give me your honest opinion of everything I write, but don't be dicks about it.

Thanks for reading it and sorry if you didn't like it. Wattpad is full of other awesome stories to lose yourself in.


P.s. I kinda figure this story isn't going to get big so all your comments will be read and appreciated!

Good Riddance...Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα