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As the day dwindles down so does the temperature. I turn off the air conditioner and roll down my windows to let a breeze in. I close my eyes in satisfaction with a soft smile on my face, loving the feeling of the wind on my face. Opening my eyes abruptly I realize that I'm still driving and curse myself quietly.

Is it bad that I daydream so often while driving I consider it normal?

In the distance I spy shadowed mountains with a navy, red, and lavender sky behind it.

That's one of the few silver linings about my situation. I've always wanted to travel, to see new sights, to meet new people, and experience new cultures. You could say I've got a gypsy soul. Staying on the run constantly gets old after a while, but the sights never do.

Turning the radio up I focus on driving.

A little bit later I start to feel tired and need a place to crash for the night. I don't see anyone else on this back road I've managed to get myself on so I whip out my brand new iPhone 5. I try to find a cheap hotel nearby and when I click on the link, a cop car comes out of no where, right behind me flashing it's patriotic colors. "Damn it!" I mentally kick myself for being so oblivious as I pull over to the side of the road.

I turn the radio off and roll down my window down as I wait for the cop. Soon enough I hear foot steps approaching the car.

"Evening Ma'am"

I mentally awe because of what a nice cute old man he seems like. He kinda reminds me of my grandfather.

"Hello Officer..."

I take a quick look at his badge to address him properly.

"...Stone, Officer Stone"

"Do you know why I pulled you over tonight?"

Well, it could be because of my speeding or reckless driving due to the fact I was on my cell phone... I'm screwed.

"I'm not quite sure, sir." I try to pull the innocent card but it's to no avail when he asks me for my license and registration.

I oblige as I reach over to the glove box for my registration and scrounge around around my over sized purse which contains 101 things including a and pepper spray. I hand both items over and he analyzes them.

He looks down at me considering he's standing and I'm sitting in a car and with a sigh he says "I could get you for a few things you did tonight, but since you've been so polite and cooperative, I'll let you off with just a small fine."

"Oh, thank you sir" I cheer.

"Yeah, yeah. Just make sure you pay that in the next couple of days so I don't regret my decision."

"Where do I go to pay for it?"

" The Daphne Police Station, it's right in the middle of town. Just go to the front desk and they'll tell you what to do from there. Don't forget this ticket."

Looking down I see it's only a $15 dollar fine. Thank God for mercy.

"Thank you, Officer Stone"

"You're welcome, please drive safe Miss Tatum" With that, he hops back into his car and drives away.

«««««««««««««CHAPTER 2 IS DONE SAY WHATTTT?????»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

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