Mr. Sex On Legs and PANCAKES

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I sit there for a couple of minutes afterwards just looking through the that link. I see that it has a reasonable price and put the address in my GPS. I take off and end up in a "Mom and Pop" looking bed and breakfast place in the middle of the woods. The 30ish year old looking man is half asleep when I walk through the screen door. When it makes a loud creaking noise, he just about falls out of his reclining chair.

"Hello Ma'am, what can I do ya for?" All these people are so nice, I love it!

"I'm just looking for a place to spend the night at."

"Looks like you came to the right place then. Follow me."

From the porch we walk through the main door. It looks so comfy and homey with earthy colors, and it smells like cinnamon! He hands me my key and says "Go up these stairs, turn left, and it'll be the first door on the right. Room 113." "Thank you." "You're welcome, if you need anything else just call."

Making my way up the stairs, I turn left, and go to the first door on my right. It's a simple white door with raised panels, a brass knob, and brass numbers 113. I open the door with the matching brass key and walk in. The first thing I notice is th bed on the right wall, it looks to be a double with a fluffy brown comforter. Next is a dresser with a big mirror attached to it, like I need to use that. Finally, I notice two doors on the left. I open the one closest to me and to find a closet, I close that door and go to the next one. Opening it, I see it's a bathroom with a sliding door shower, Jacuzzi tub, a toilet, and a sink.

I sit my duffel bag down on the dresser and go to the closet to take out the fresh white towels. I make my way in the bathroom and strip until I'm naked. The chilly night time air comes through a window giving me the chills. I quickly start the warm water and turn on the Jacuzzi jets, pulling out vanilla scented bubbles I dump them In.

I step into the tub and sink down, giving a soft moan of satisfaction. The warm water and jets relaxing my tense muscles from all the driving I've been doing. I just sit in there for a few minutes in content until I realize how tired I am. I wash my hair with raspberry shampoo and matching  conditioner until it feels clean.

I hop out and dry myself off. I don't worry about my hair and just throw it in a fish tail braid. Slipping on my plaid pajamas I get some extra blankets from the chest at the end of the bed and snooze.



"GAHHHHH!!!" I yell as I thump onto the floor. As I sit cross legged on the floor rubbing my head, it dawns on me the telephone is still ringing. I jump as fast as I can which ends up making me dizzy and answer the phone.


"Good morning! The buffet is now open for any guests who would like breakfast!" I hang up after hearing the robotic sound of the recording.

I look over to the digital clock to see its 6 o'clock, ughhhh! Why so early?!

I drag my feet over to the mirror and groan. I pull out my curling wand, hair spray, and a brush. As the wand is heating up I decide to check the weather. Partly cloudy, high of 72,  0% precipitation. Thank the lord it is gonna be cooler today! I curl my hair loosely and hair spray it so it doesn't fall out through the day. Next, I do my makeup, 95% of all my cosmetics are Mary Kay. I apply some primer and then the foundation, next the lash primer then two coats of the mascara. I add just a smidge of eye liner on my top lid then I'm done! I brush my teeth and add lightly tinted chap stick.

Pulling on light wash jeans, a t-shirt, and flip flops I make my way down the stairs knowing I can easily find the eating area. Oh. My. Goodness. My mouth waters at all the fresh food! I grab a plate and automatically go for the chocolate chip pancakes, add a little bit of butter and maple syrup for even more flavor. Then I get a few strawberries and scrapple.

As I make my way to the table which luckily no one is at yet, some one bumps into. I tumble to the floor ever so graciously... managing to get syrup in my hair and chocolate stains on my shirt. Getting up, I'm about to give this person a piece of my mind when a booming echos the room. I look up to see the man who knocked me over clutching his stomach, laughing at me. My face instantly turns red when I realize how good looking he is and why he's laughing at me. I thought my day was going to be good because of my chocolate chip pancakes, but noooooo. Mr. Sex On Legs has to ruin it for me. He tries to sputter out between laughs that he's sorry, but I'm having none of it.

My body is hot in embarrassment and sticky in syrup. I run up stairs as fast as I can with my short legs to get away from the guy whose amusement comes from bumping into people and ruining their breakfast. Of course it was an accident but still. I grumpily make my way to the shower throwing my clothes on the floor along the way. All I can think is that this will be one long day.


I tried to make this one a bit longer, but I'm afraid I'm being repetitive. Please tell me what you think! Also, I'm open for advice and ideas if you have any!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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