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A gentle kiss presses to the base of Sayaka's neck as she takes a bite of homemade breakfast, a surprised squeak escaping her lips.

"Well good morning to you too," she gasps softly, a flushed smile present on her features.

Kirari leans her head down to rest on the younger girl's right shoulder. "Do you remember what day it is my love?" she whispers.

Of course Sayaka did, the date had been marked on her calendar for months now. She turns to face her wife, "Happy Anniversary, Kirari," she whispers back, leaning in to press a kiss of her own to her wife's lips.

Kirari pulls away first, "Happy Anniversary."

The rest of the morning is spent enjoying each other's presence, the pair's hushed conversations filling the large kitchen.

"I was actually planning on taking you somewhere special after breakfast," the younger girl says with a teasing smile.

"Oh? What were you thinking of?" Kirari asks, taking a small bite of fruit.

"It's a surprise, darling," Sayaka giggles.

The latter sighs dramatically, "My love, you know I'm much too impatient for this sort of thing."

"I know, but trust me when I say you won't be disappointed."


"Sayaka, could you just please tell me where we're going?" Kirari whines, a blindfold blocking her view.

Sayaka sighs, "We're almost there, I promise," reinforcing her words with a reassuring hand squeeze.

A loud, relenting sigh escapes Kirari's lips as her wife finally pulls into a parking lot.

"We're here!" she chirps, "and don't you dare take off the blindfold."

Sayaka shakes her head as she goes to help Kirari out of the car and through a pair of glass doors, ending up at the end of a store aisle.

The dark-haired girl jogs around her wife to untie her blindfold.

"Are you ready?"

Sayaka smiles when she receives an enthusiastic nod from the older woman, beginning to count down, "...three ...two"

Kirari gasps quietly when the cloth drops. Racks of fish tanks line the brightly lit store aisle. The woman whips her head around to face her wife, "Oh, I love you."

"Pick out whichever one you'd like," Sayaka giggles, watching Kirari wander around the aisle to observe her options. She trails behind her wife, soaking in every bit of knowledge Kirari gifts her as she points out fish after fish.

Sayaka couldn't help but smile in adoration at how cute her wife could be when she went on long tangents like these.

Eventually, the older woman drops in front of one of the tanks, pointing a manicured finger at one of the fish swimming near the back of the tank, "That one."

The fish she'd pointed out was a rather large one with purple scales.

"I love it," Sayaka says, turning to glance longingly at her wife whose bright blue eyes are wide open in childlike wonder.

"It reminds me of you," Kirari sighs, "the color."

Sayaka giggles in agreement as her wife walks off in search of an employee.


Another hour of finding supplies and exploring fish later, the couple finds themselves back in the car. The older of the two stares down at their new pet in her lap, a soft smile pulling at her lips.

And when they returned home, a majority of the afternoon is spent setting up the fish's home. The tank was quite large despite only being meant for a single fish.

"A fish belonging to me will never be kept up in a tiny bowl," Kirari had reasoned back at the pet store.

Once the fish was placed in its new home, it began to swim around in circles, exploring the new environment. Kirari steps back to admire her newest addition to her and Sayaka's living room. However, she seems to be lost deep in thought.

"Is everything alright?"

"Oh no, I'm fine," she responds, "It's just we don't have a name for her yet."

Sayaka goes quiet, allowing her wife to think.



"Kirari, you are not naming a fish after me."

"But why not?" Kirari whines.

"Because..." Sayaka sighs defeatedly, "You know what, fine. If it makes you happy, I don't mind"

Kirari glides towards the younger girl, pressing a soft kiss to her wife's cheek, "I love you."

Sayaka sighs, "I love you too."

kirasaya week 2022Where stories live. Discover now