free space

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Summer sun filters through glass windows, bathing the two girls sitting on their shared bedroom's floor in delicious warmth. Dark hair spills onto Kirari's lap, a small book held in her right hand.

Sayaka sighs in contentment as the older woman's left hand runs through her hair in a comforting manner, only adding to the calming atmosphere.

Sitting in silence and wallowing in each other's presence was all the pair needed to make their Sunday afternoon enjoyable before returning to their work the following morning.

The younger girl's soft breathing fills the room as she begins to slowly drift off in the lap of her girlfriend. Kirari fails to notice as she continues stroking her dark hair, completely entranced by the novel held in her hand.

However, as she finishes the last page, her blue eyes fall to the figure lying still on her lap, violet eyes closed peacefully.

"Sayaka," Kirari giggles, "it's time to wake up."

When the girl remains asleep, the white-haired woman moves to carry her bridal-style towards their shared king-sized bed. Sayaka stirs for a moment, presumably trying to find comfort once more, before settling for burying her head into Kirari's right shoulder.

The older woman smiles at her wife finding comfort in her arms, setting her down gently onto white bed sheets, moving the thick comforter to cover Sayaka's lithe figure.

Sighing softly, Kirari moves to the other side of the bed, sliding herself underneath the sheets to cuddle close to the younger girl. She wraps her arms around the girl's warm body. Pressing a soft kiss to one of her pale cheeks.

"Sleep well, my Sayaka."

kirasaya week 2022Where stories live. Discover now