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Sayaka struggles to catch up with Kirari as the older girl pulls her by the wrist with the promise she was being taken somewhere special.

It was late at night, the light from the full moon that evening allowing the couple to see their path.

The younger of the two didn't question a thing, she would follow Kirari to the ends of the earth if it meant they could stay together forever.

Eventually, the white-haired girl slowed to a stop in the middle of what seemed to be an open field, moonlight making the petals of the flowers that scattered across its surface glow.

"Well, what do you think?" Kirari asks, turning to face her girlfriend with a gentle smile.

Sayaka was at a loss for words, "I love it, just what did you bring me here for?"

The older woman giggles, "I just needed an appropriate environment to give you this."

Sayaka gasps as the woman pulls a small, black box from her skirt pocket, opening it to reveal a silver ring.

"K-Kirari, I really do appreciate this, but," the younger girl splutters, "aren't we a bit young for marriage?"

Kirari's expression falls before starting to laugh quietly. Sayaka flushes in embarrassment, confused about how she misread the situation.

"Sorry, I don't mean to tease you," Kirari giggles, "but trust me I'm well aware of this."

The woman's words only confuse Sayaka more, "Well then why on earth are you giving me a ring?"

Kirari gives the girl a cherished smile, "It's a promise ring, a sign of our promise to love each other forever."

The younger girl's mouth gapes open, dark eyes shimmering with tears that threaten to spill. Her hand is lifted gently as Kirari takes the small ring out of its box, carefully sliding it onto her girlfriend's finger.

"Perfect," she whispers as she leans into the girl, pressing a short kiss to her lips.

Pulling away, she turns her head to gaze at the moon, appearing much larger in the sky than earlier.

"The moon looks beautiful tonight," Kirari sighs, looking back into her girlfriend's dark eyes.

Sayaka finally allows her tears to fall freely.

"I could die happy." she responds.

kirasaya week 2022Where stories live. Discover now