The game

18 1 0

"Ok then let's start you go first ask me anything."

She said to me with a smile on her face

Elly : "Okay then my first question is...


Elly : "Okay then my first question is...Did you have your first kiss?

"No I still don't have my first kiss"

Elly :"oh you are so famous and pretty too how come you still don't have your first kiss?"

I was shock because all what I thought she's like the other's who always give boys kisses and make out with them she answer my question and she said...

"Yeah I'm famous but it doesn't mean that I need to get my first kiss and I'm not like the other girls out there who is famous and kissing allot of boys like  what the hell."

Elly : "Ohhh, okay next"

"It's your turn now,so... my question is what is your favorite flower?"

Elly : "Two lip"

"Ohhh, they're beautiful"

Elly : "Yes,now it's your turn again."


Elly : "Who's your crush?"

"Ohhhh~, that one is spicy who do you think it is?"

Elly : "Bro I'm the one who is questioning you!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,ok ok chill ok so... my crush is..."

Elly : "Is..."

"Is... No one"

Elly : "what the heck!!!,hey that's not the answer!!"

"Bro why are you shouting?"

Elly : "Why I'm I shouting!?, it's because you are not answering my question!!"

"Ok ok fine so my crush is Jul,Sam and ..."

Elly : "and...?"



Dear Reader's
    Hello!, everyone I'll take a rest first before I upload the next chapter I'm sorry but i can't update this coming month but I will try to upload the next chapter of this series as soon as possible and I will come back but for now I will take a rest first because of my health is not okay right now I hope you are all good and safe and have a good health too and advance Happy New Year everyone.

                                   Bye!, love you all😊
                                         from: Author

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