Chapter one: the letter

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Dear Commander Sam Holt

I hope you and your family are not too worried about me and Adam. It feels like a lifetime since we disappeared from home but it's only been a month, 2 months actually.

We didn't mean to leave on purpose but we found a fantastic world-Altea! It was home to species including humans but it's not always a safe place, there is a species known as the Galra, led by a vile and evil lord called Zarkon, their main objection is to rule over the planet so me and my friends are going to stop them.

However, there was a little complication, Adam, he has joined the Galra, I don't know why but he believes that they are the ticket to get us home but I don't believe that, the only way to get home is that well from my family's home.

Whoever thought that my grandfather's stories were true, I meant I spent years doubting him, believing that was all in his head but he was right about so much, that's why I must understand this world so I can find a way to get us home.

I know what you're thinking that I'm alone, but I'm not I never was, I found some friends, they're helping me, one of them is called Keith, he is a half-daemon, that's right, daemons, they're not like the kind that you see in books.

But anyway, he's not the only one, I meet a young girl named Romelle, she's incredible and a strong fighter but not only that, I also met a another person named Lance, he's a monk but he's also a little self-centered but he's also a great fighter and a daemon of his own named Katara.

And I almost forgot Hunk and Pidge, they're both daemons explorers, Hunk is the most friendliest person that you'll ever meet, he might get scared at first when he faces a challenge but he'll come to you in great need and Pidge is so much like your daughter, intelligence, smart and incredibly strong both in and out.

Oh I almost forgot, I also met another friend whose name is Stats, you probably like him. He's very sweet and he also said Stats like those monsters from a TV show.

But anyway I'll find a way to get back to you, I know I feel like I'm letting you down but I want you to know that I really glad to be working with you all the time after all you're kind of like a father to me so I hope that one day I'll come and see you again and I'll tell you everything about my adventures and tell you a little bit more about Keith.

But what can I tell you about it, and he can be a little hard-headed and stubborn very stubborn, but deep down he has a very good heart and care for the innocent, I really hope that one day you get to meet him and meet all my friends so I bet you a very well day ahead for all the days then you'll return from Kerberos.

Oh and tell Matt I said hi and I hope to see him again soon so as you were good luck and...farewell

Love Shiro

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