Chapter fourteen: Keith's day off

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Birds chirped as they sat in the branches of the great Tree of Balto, preening their feathers and warming themselves up in the light of the sun. Nearby, at the hidden village of the rebels, with twitching tail, there sits Kosmo, the daemon wolf sitting on his haunches as he stared at Keith's bed.

He lifted his leg to scratch at an itch in his neck, but then continued to sit with vigilant eyes.

"Kosmo's been sitting there ever since Keith has woken up, hasn't he?" asked Pidge as she watched from a safe distance.

"He hasn't moved once since they've been gone, too," Hunk added while Kiaion sat on his shoulder, having to wake up two days later, after Keith. "I'm actually getting a little worried about him."

"When Keith got the word that he could leave one day!" Pidge said. "I hope so, it will probably put Shiro's mind at least now!" Hunk said.

"I totally agree...considering how close they are!" Pidge said.

Kiaion then jumped down from his friend' shoulder and sauntered to Kosmo's side, nuzzling his face against his. At first, he didn't seem to react...until his tail wagged back and forth, causing Pidge and Hunk to smile.

"Now, isn't that sweet?" asked Pidge.

"Yeah," Hunk said before he looked around. "Hey, I just realized...where's Lance?"

"Oh, you know him," Pidge shrugged. "Probably went off to bother one of the village ladies."

Hunk could only sigh and shake her head. "Of course, he is...I wish he hadn't done that!"

And as Keith, who had been awakened for the day, had fully recovered from Zarkon's attack, had decided to keep on training, just in case they counter another enemy just like Zarkon.

But first things first, at the Exam room, Keith was getting checked up by Sokka to make sure he was healthy enough to move.

"Now, open up!" Sokka ordered. And Keith opened his mouth. "Okay, looks like your jaw is looking better!"

"Thanks!" Keith said. "Does that mean that I'm ready to go!"

"Well, yes, since you're physically sound now!" Sokka said. "But according to the surgeon, you have suffered cranial damage and some spinal damage, with your healing abilities, it will take you three days to heal!"

"Ok, thanks, but seriously don't worry about me, I handle things that are far worse, so there's no need to worry." Keith said.

"I see that you are invincible, a little optimistic!" Sokka said.

"Yeah, I know!" Keith scoffed. "Now that you excuse me! I'll get out of your hair!"

"Keith!" Sokka replied before Keith could leave the room.

"Yes, Sokka!" Keith said.

"Make sure you be calmer with Shiro, he's been through enough!" Sokka said.

"I understand thanks!" Keith said.

After that, Keith continued his day, normally...well, if everything felt normal, Keith knew that things will never be the same again, since they have faced the ultimate evil, Zarkon.

And ever since that day, for the past 3 days, Keith has been wanting to track down well as Zarkon. could he do such a thing to Shiro, let alone frightening him! And facing him, what was he thinking! the way he was fighting him it was like he was fighting a giant monster, in fact he was a monster.

Thinking about those things only made him stressed out as he is, so instead he binged on whatever snacks he could find in the village, and then he'd fall asleep after stuffing himself after a while.

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