Chapter 19 - Maddie

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Chapter 19 - Maddie


I stretched and groaned as the doorbell woke me up from my nap. I zombie walked out of my room to the top of the stairs, hearing Charlotte speaking to someone. Then an arrow struck deep into my chest as I heard Kellan responding.

The bottom of our stairs lined up almost directly to the front door, spilling out into the living room. I was secluded from my current vantage point, but if I took one more step, Kellan would be able to see me.

", you wouldn't know me. I'm Charlotte, Maddie's twin sister. It's been ages since we went to school together, but, whatever. I know you. I mean, everyone knows you." I imagined her twirling her hair with her pursed lips. 

Ugh, gross.

"Plus, we've talked about you here," she continued in her syrupy sweet voice. "Your portrait of Maddie caused quite the stir." She laughed and I imagined Kellan flashing her one of his million-dollar smiles.

"Do you mind if I talk to her?" came his frantic response instead.

Huh, that was kinda urgent, Kellan. Not gonna flirt with the hot blonde? 

"Oh, sorry, come in. I'll go get her, though I can't promise she's going to want to see you."

This time Kellan laughed. "Don't I know that already."

I quickly tiptoed back into my room, closing the door quietly. I looked around my room, wondering the best place to look disinterested, and then feign surprise at our guest. Gaming chair? No... nothing is turned on, will look weird to be sitting in the middle of a quiet room doing nothing. Maybe the bed-

I heard Charlotte knock. I hurried to the bed and made myself look like I was just waking up.

"Come in," I said using my best groggy voice. She entered, closed the door, and then leaned back against it, a mischievous smile playing across her face.

"You have someone here to see you."

I'm not going to be that easy, Char. "Oh, is it one of the kids from the skatepark or theatre class?" I asked innocently.

"Nope. It's none of those people." She really played it up, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

You little brat, you love this.

"Umm... wait a second... it's him, isn't it? ... Please tell me it isn't him." I might as well play it up a little bit, too. It's only fair.

"Uh-huh. In the flesh. Downstairs in our living room, as we stand here and speak." She accentuated the last word with a resounding k sound. I swear that girl is getting the lead in the play this year. If she doesn't, I'll punch somebody.

"Just run him off, tell him anything you want. I've tried to tell him five different ways that I'm not interested. I just want him to go away."

Her jaw fell open and she made an indignant puffing sound. I was having fun playing this little game, but I was starting to get pissed. I thought she'd be happy I didn't want to come down, the way I could hear her flirting with him at the door. I could see her winding up a speech so I sat back and waited for it.

"You're serious? He shows up here, and you're just going to sit in your bedroom and sulk? I thought you've crushed on him since you were little? What the hell, Maddie? What's wrong with you?" She was breathing so hard I thought she'd fall over.

A part of me knew that she was right, but I wasn't about to listen to that part. "Well, if he's so great, why don't you date him? He's not my type anyway and we both know he doesn't actually want me. He wants something that he thinks I am. I don't want a guy who is an idiot."

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