Chapter 29 - Maddie

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Chapter 29 – Maddie

I stretched and yawned. The angle of the sun blasting into my room reminded me that I didn't have school today. Sleeping in was my second favorite thing in the world, just after Kellan.

I glanced at my phone, noting that it was already going to be Halloween next week. Where had the time gone? Kellan and I had been so wrapped in each other the past six weeks that I hadn't stopped to pause and breathe. The only thing that I cared about was getting to the end of each day and into his arms. We hadn't done more than kiss yet but when we kissed? We. Kissed.

Kellan would put on something relaxing like lo-fi, and we'd curl up in his bed and he'd whisper the sweetest things to me while we cuddled. I'd read that it's impossible for a human mind to understand infinity but maybe whoever wrote that just hadn't spent a quiet afternoon with their beloved.

Nothing and everything existed at once in his little bedroom. We were shut off from the world and yet wide open to the universe, the current of our love carrying us through eternity.

Aside from the bliss palace that was our extracurricular activities in his bedroom, things had gotten better in school. Kellan talked me into joining the LGBTQ club with him. We instantly clicked with the group, and we all started going to the café together on the weekends.

Mark had become our unofficial group elder, stopping by to dispense his wisdom. I was grateful that Kellan had begged me to join the group with him; I started to feel more comfortable at school now that I had friends.

A little bird with a voice three times its size landed on my window and looked at me, chittering.

Alright, alright I'm getting up, you rude little cute thing. 

Throwing the covers off my body, I quickly ran downstairs, grabbed some coffee, and then changed into my Lane cosplay outfit. I had a stream scheduled for that morning. I wanted to hang out with some of my online friends from Europe that I played Minecraft with, but never seemed to catch because I couldn't get on until they were already asleep.

I did my makeup on only half a cup of coffee, and fortunately, it didn't show. Not long after I got on, David joined me and we started talking.

DavidinWales: So, you've been with your boyfriend for about six weeks now, right? How's everything going?

"It's been wonderful. I'm really glad that I got over myself and gave him a chance. We have so much fun together. I was thinking last night about how I never had a friend as a kid, and I missed out on like playing and stuff, you know? Like, after school yesterday Kellan came over and I left a note with a toy sword by the front door that said, 'no kisses until you can find and defeat me.' It was goofy, I know, but he played along, and tried to sneak through my house to find me. You guys haven't seen Kellan yet but the thought of him sneaking would be hilarious if you have. He's a freaking block of muscle that's taller than my house.

"Anyway, I was hiding right in the living room as he walked in, and I sprung at him and he ended up catching me in midair, and we tumbled to the ground. Let's just say he got his kisses sooner than I had planned."

I narrowed my eyes in a cheeky little grin, as David always called it. I was taking the opportunity to have a chill stream, focusing more on chat while playing Jets of Time, a Chrono Trigger randomizer.

DavidinWales: "I need to get out of the house more and meet a Maddie or a Kellan of my own. When do we get to meet him?"

You probably already should have. 

I paused the game, sitting the controller down and crossing my legs. This had been bothering me the past week. It was really weird not telling Kellan. I told him everything else, and I mean everything. There was nothing about me that the boy didn't know. But I kept this one secret from him. Why?

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