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Naruto is a young beautiful blonde haired girl. She is known as the unpredictable Ninja by most of the shinobi in konaha, but very few knew her true gender. When naruto was young she was abused by the villagers, the only reason being is that Naruto is a she so naruto decided to change her gender at a young age. Naruto loved her hair so she did not have the courage to cut it so she uses a genjutsu instead. Naruto is a very skilled ninja even is he isn't a ninja by law. Naruto didn't have money growing up since he didn't have any family members alive that was there for him. Naruto has know who is parents were, what loved inside him, and the toad sage Jiriya who is his God father and the slug princess tsunade who is also his god mother. Naruto did not consider them as family since they were never there for him while he grew up.

Back to current time we see a 12 year old naruto running away from a mob of villagers. Naruto knew why he was being chased by them, it was because today he just passed the academy test meaning later on today when he gets his headband the villagers will not have a right to hurt him so there trying to do as much damage to the "demon" as possible. Naruto who trained since he was four easily out ran the villagers. When Naruto made it to the academy the teams were already announced and are sitting with each other. "Dobe your on out team" sasuke called out to naruto who simply sat down next to sakura. "Nee-san your here" sakura mumbled only being heard by naruto, and her girlfriends Hinata, and Ino. "Yes I am" naruto said looking away from sakura. "When have you guys been close" kiba asked. "Oh we grow up like siblings even if we didn't live together we would always hang out" sakura answered. "Before anyone questioned any further 4 jonins appeared in the door way there was also a genin team behind them. "Your early" Naruto said looking at kakashi. "Yeah they threatened my icha icha paradise so I had to come ealry" kakashi mumbled. "Anyways this year will be different with you guys" asuna said causing all the genin including guys team to raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean" neji asked drawing the attention of the other genin in the room as they walked in the room standing behind kiba. "Well we use to always give new genin a test to see if there worthy enough, but since the homage said no we won't be doing that and you guys will all share you jonin senses meaning team 7,8,9, and 10 will be one team" asuna finished blowing out a puff of smoke. "That sounds fun" choji said getting up and walking towards there jonin sensies. Naruto being fast stopped a kick aimed at Choji's head. "Don't trust them, no matter what they always have to test genins straight out of the academy to see what there working with" Naruto said in an emotionless voice while he grabbed Asuma's leg spinner him around so that he's facing the other jonin sensies then in a quick motion there was a Kunai aimed to Asuma's neck. "Move and I'll kill him, touch my friends and I'll kill him, use chakra I'll kill him, use genjutsu i'll kill him, and if you make the slightest movement I'll kill him" Naruto said making everyone know he was serious. "Hey hey calm down it's just a test" Asuma said sweating bullets. "Mm" Naruto hummed pushing Asuma to the other jonins and quickly jumping back to the other genin and pulling up a barrier around them. "Hey hey calm down that's an s rank jutsu" kakashi warned. "I'll put it down when you admit we pass" Naruto said closing his eyes while holding the barrier in place. "Okay you past" Kakashi said throwing paper to see how that barrier works. To everyone's surprise minus naruto's the paper burned into flames 2 feet from the barrier. After that naruto put down the barrier then everyone introduced themselves then went there separate ways. "Man I can't wait to get home" Naruto mumbled stretching a little. "Yeah me to" a guy with a mask on his face said in a cheerful voice. Naruto who didn't sence his presence got into a fighting stance. "Who the hell are you" naruto yelled despite naruto's fearlessness he was blushing and the masked mad knew why. "Like what you see" asked the masked mad in a cheerful voice like last time. The masked man had no shirt on the only think covering his body as his pants. Naruto had trouble not looking at the man's abs. "No what are you talking about" Naruto said "I'm a boy and I'm not gay" naruto said relaxing knowing this guy won't harm him. "*chuckle* naru-hime I know you a girl" the masked man said causing naruto to narrow his eyes. "I'm not a gi-" Naruto was cut of by the masked man taking of his mask. This made naruto speechless the only thing he could say was "hot" this made naruto cover his mouth and the masked man to chuckle. *snap* at this snap and a mumbled "kai" from the masked man Naruto stood there with long blond hair and beautiful mitch match eyes one red the other blue. "I-" naruto was once again cut off by the masked man. "Naru-hime since I know you name I'll tell you mine my name is obito uchiha I go by the name tobi you must not tell anyone you saw me here today" obito said bowing slightly with a arm/hand wrapped across his stomach. Naruto blushed only now realizing what he's been calling her. "*chuckle* its a
to cute to see you like that" obito said walking closer to naruto. "Eh uh mm" naruto struggled to get out words trying to push obito away. "Your way to cute it's hard to resist your body" Obito said making naruto blush even more. "May I kiss you" Obito asked feeling Naruto stop trying to push him away. "Whatever" Naruto mumbled, taking this as a yes Obito kissed naruto gently and patiently on the lips. It didn't last long probably seven seconds but it was still good. When Obito let go of Naruto's lips Naruto was blushing tomato red. "Your mine now" Obito said causing Naruto to blush so red to the point she fainted (hinata vibes). '*sigh* she's to cute for her own good' Obito thought grabbing her by the waist and teleporting to Naruto's home. 'Mm nice room' Obito thought placing naruto on her bed and then putting a genjutsu on Naruto, after he did that he wrote naruto a note then kissed Naruto on the forehead then said "goodbye princess" then leaving.

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