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The next day

Naruto woke up thinking the events from last night was just a dream until she saw the note on her dresser. Looking in the mirror before she read the note she realized someone put a genjutsu on her. "Mm" Naruto hummed and mumbled "kai" but nothing happened. "What the-" Naruto mumbled but was cut off many Kurama saying "kit the only way you can drop ur genjutsu is if you ask you little boyfriend to do it" Kurama said remembering the events from yesterday night. "B-boyfrind" Naruto asked/stuttered out. "Yes kit look at the note and read it" Kurama said making naruto nod and look at the note. "Dear naru-hime if your reading this then I have left, We will see each other soon but you must know that yesterday night was no dream you are mine and only mine, so don't cheat on me, and your probably thinking I didn't agree to this, well actually if you forgot we kissed last night, oh and you must know that the genjutsu your under will only come of when I want it to, but dont worry I'll write letters to you so when you want you can right one back to me asking if I can give you permission to do what you want with the genjutsu and if you want I can also visit once in a awhile, but to the important part since were dating now I want you to know that I am not a very good person, I am Obito Uchiha known as Tobi, my name Tobi is an ss rank shinobi I am a missing nen from konaha but know one knows I'm alive they think I died when I was 12 and in the 3rd great shinobi war my teammates were rin and kakashi my jonin sensie is Minato, and darling before you wonder if I killed before I have and no I don't regret it, am sorry if you don't like who I am but this is me, I love you naru-hime stay safe" Naruto was gapping at the end of reading the letter all the questions she had while reading the note was all answered. "Kit read the back" Kurama said making naruto nod and turn the paper. "By the way you need to burn this paper unless you wanna keep it but make sure you hide it" Naruto read smiling a bit 'I don't care if he's a villain I just hope he won't hurt me or my friends/family' (what he means by family is people who is close to him that makes it feel like they are his family) Naruto thought making Kurama nod in his head and mumble "I agree" after that Kurama fell asleep and Naruto wrote a note leaving it were he found the note from Obito. "Welp gotta go" Naruto said skipping away. No one but Obito and kurama knew that Obito had put a tag on Naruto making him hear everything she thinks about, and it also makes him able to track and teleport to Naruto. "Cute" Obito blurted out making all of the akatsuki look at him. "What" Obito asked annoyed. (He only acts like tobi around other people but Naruto and the akutsuki). "No don't mind us were just curious on why the fck did you just say cute out of nowhere" Hidan said a little annoyed. "Mm nothing" Obito said getting up and starting to walk out the door. "Is it because that girl you went to visit yesterday" sasori asked with curiosity in his voice. "How do you-" obito was cut off by Sasori. "Because I found a letter addressed to you and it said I love you too Obito hope we can see each other soon, but it looks like your girlfriend was smart not to put her name on it. Obito smiled 'she probably forgot' obito thought. Obito was exactly right she did forget. "Ahh am so dumb i forgot to sign it" Naruto roared in anger. "Just cool down ma dude" Sakura said getting blown away. "Your always mean" Sakura said getting up and dusting off her dirty clothes. "Whatever" Naruto said leaving the room and going up to the monument. After about 35 minutes of silence watching the dark city a voice came from behind her. "Well Hello there princess" Obito said with an eye smile earning the same thing from Naruto.
"What are you doing here Obito" Naruto asked watching as Obito say next to her. "Kai" mumbled Obito dropping the genjutsu Naruto was under. "I just wanna get to know you more" Obito said laying on his back. Naruto decided to do the same. "Ohk" Naruto said looking at the sky. "You introduce yourself first" Obito said causing Naruto to nod and face him. "My names Naruto Uzumaki Namakazie, I like my Nee-San, my friends and ramen, I dislike perverts, and the 3 minutes it takes ramen to cook, my dream is to settle down with a nice and loyal guy after becoming a very strong hokage, and that's it" Naruto said after thinking hard on what he wants for his dream. "Those are nice things to dream about" Obito said making Naruto put on her blinding bright smile. "I know right" Naruto almost yelled sitting up and looking down at him. After sitting up as well Obito found himself back on the ground laying down on his back but when he opened his eyes he was greeted by bright blue eyes staring back. "Its your turn Obito" Naruto said her hair gently swayed in the wind making the moonlight bounce off her already beautiful features making her beauty stand out more making the poor uchiha turn beet red, naruto being oblivious didn't notice this. "So are you gonna tell me about yourself" Naruto asked bringing Obito back from his stupor. "Oh right" Obito paused looking away from Naruto a bright blush still on his face. "My names Obito Uchiha I dislike fangirls, and perverts, I like My cousins Itachi and Sasuke, and training, my dream for the future is helping Naru-hime with her dream and being the nice and loyal man she lives her live with" after saying that Obito looked back at naruto to see her reaction and her reaction made him smirk. After hearing Obito's introduction Naruto was dumbfounded she was blushing like crazy looking down at Obito. Naruto quickly scrambled off of Obito sitting down on her knees with her hands resting on her thighs making her look cuter with the bright red blush on her cheeks. "Oh my are you okay princess" Obito asked with a smirk still plastered on his face while using his right hand to touch her forehead. "You look sick" he said teasingly. "Ah um I'm okay" Naruto stuttered out. After a lot of teasing from both parties they decided to go there separate ways. After dropping naruto Obito teleported away to the akatsuki hideout. Looking at the sky Obito predicted that it was around 9 meaning the other members are getting ready to eat. "I'm back" Obito said walking in the kitchen seeing everyone getting ready to eat. "Ah perfect timing why don't you come sit down then tell us how you date went" Konan said with a smile. "Yeahh no" Obito said ubrubly turning away getting ready to leave but was caught by Deidara. "Nope your telling us" Deidara said dragging Obito and making him sit on his seat then going back to his own. "How dare you betray me" Obito said glaring at Deidara who had sweat rolling down his brow. "Sorry" Deidara apologized. "Whatever" Obito said quickly pulling up his mask up so only his mouth was showing. Despite know that he is in fact  an Uchiha they never saw how he really looks like. "So how was your date" to everyone's surprise Itachi was the one to ask the first question. "It was okay nii-san" Obito said everyone already knows there cousins who just call each other nii-San. "How is naru" Itachi said once again causing everyone to face Obito in shock. "Your dating the kyubis jailer; never the less; a boy" Sasori asked. "Yeah I am" Obito said after swallowing a glass of water. "Where did you have your date" asked Hidan truly curious now. "The hokage monument in Konaha" obito replied. "What did you guys do" Konan asked. "We just got to know each other better and then we just started to tease each other witch was annoying when she actually got me blushing" obito answered the akatsuki members sweared that they saw a tiny of blush on his almost hidden cheeks. "Anyways I need to go to sleep I'm going to follow Naru-hime  tomorrow and test her" Obito said quickly stretching then leaving the room mumbling a quick "thank you". "Doesn't hime mean princess" asked Hidan to the rest of the members. "It does" Deidara answered watching Obito's back fade down the hall. With Naruto, after Obito dropped her off Naruto found herself writing another letter for Obito but this time instead of forgetting her name she decided to leave it out since she was dealing with a criminal. After leaving it on her dresser she went to bed, is she stayed longer she would have saw the note proof into nothingness.

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